NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English
The Book that Saved the Earth NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 10
The Book that Saved the Earth NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
The Book that Saved the Earth Read and Find out
Question 1.
Why was the twentieth century called the ‘Era of the Books’?
The twentieth country was called ‘the era of the books’ because the books were very important in people’s life. They were the sources of important information. They had everything from anteaters to Zulus.
Question 2.
Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century?
The Martians tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first country.
Question 3.
What guesses are made by Think-Tank about the books found on the earth?
Think-Tank guessed that the books were sandwiches the earthlings loved to eat. He made another guess that the books were about some communication device used by the earthlings.
The Book that Saved the Earth Extra Questions and Answers
The Book that Saved the Earth Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
What does Noodle tell Think-Tank about the books? [Delhi 2016]
Noodle tells Think-Tank that books are like sandwiches. They are means of communication. These sandwiches are not for ear communication but for eye communication. The Earthlings do not listen to the sandwiches. They open them and watch them. Noodle reads out the nursery rhymes to Think- Tank from Mother Goose.
Question 2.
How did one old book of nursery rhymes save the world from a Martian invasion?
The Martians under the leadership of Think-Tank decided to invade the Earth. They found an old book of nursery rhymes Mother Goose. Think-Tank interpreted the rhymes in his own way. He got frightened. He concluded that the people on the Earth were more powerful and advanced than he was. He called his crew members back. Hence, the old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion.
Question 3.
What is Think-Tank’s opinion about the Earth?
Think-Tank was the mighty captain of Mars Space Control. He did not have good opinion about the Earth and its people. He considered the Earth a ridiculous little planet. He thought that it was an insignificant place where ugly earthlings, with their tiny heads dwell.
Question 4.
How did Think-Tank interpret the rhymes of the book ‘Mother Goose’?
Think-Tank was an arrogant fool ruling the planet Mars. After taking the vitamins they were able to read the rhymes in the book Mother Goose. He interpreted the rhymes in his own way. He concluded that the people on the Earth were more powerful and more advanced than he was.
Question 5.
How did the people on the Earth help the Martian people?
After the departure of Think-Tank from the Mars, Noodle was elected as the ruler of the Mars. He was an intelligent and wonderful person. The earthlings resumed contact with the Martians. They became friends and taught the Martians how to read. The people on both the planets exchanged their views and values. They established a model library in the capital city of Marsopolis.
Question 6.
How does Think-Tank compare the Martians with the people on the Earth? What does he call the Earth mockingly?
Think-Tank compares the Martians with the people on the Earth. He calls Martians more handsome race than that of the people on the Earth. He calls the Earth ‘a ridiculous little planet’ and ‘a primitive ball of mud’.
Question 7.
What ‘high levels of civilisation’ have earthlings reached, according to Think-Tank?
According to Think-Tank, the people of the Earth have made advancement in all the fields of life. They have reached the ‘high levels of civilisation’. They have taught their domesticated animals musical culture and space techniques.
Question 8.
What was Oop’s opinion about the ‘sandwiches’ he had eaten?
Oop found a book in the library. He thought it to be a sandwich. He was ordered to eat it. He found it absolutely tasteless and useless. He could not understand how such things could be eaten by the earthlings without water. They were as dry as Martian dust.
Question 9.
What did Noodle suggest about the book?
Noodle was an intelligent person but he did not want to offend Think-Tank. He suggested that the book was not a sandwich, it was some device used for communication. Later on, he suggested that the team should eat vitamins to increase their intelligence so that they would read them.
Question 10.
Which book saved the Earth from Martian invasion and how?
Mother Goose, a nursery rhymes book, saved the Earth from the Martian invasion. Think-Tank interpreted the rhymes in his own way. He got frightened and decided to vacate the planet.
Question 11.
Who was Think-Tank? What did he want?
Think-Tank was an arrogant ruler of the Martian Planet. He wanted to expand his kingdom and rule over the Earth. So he decided to invade the Earth. He was top confident of his abilities.
Question 12.
Who was Noodle? What type of a person was he?
Noodle was an apprentice in the kindgom of Think-Tank. He was an intelligent attendant of Think- Tank. He was a person who knew how to communicate his idea without offending the king. It was he who described the so-called sandwich as a means of communication.
Question 13.
How did Noodle address Think-Tank?
Think-Tank is the ruler of Mars. Noodle addressed him, ‘O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe.’
Question 14.
Why did Think-Tank send his crew on the Earth?
Think-Tank intended to invade the Earth. He wanted to control the Earth and put it under his rulership. He was an arrogant ruler who was hungry for power. So he sent his crew on the Earth.
Question 15.
Where was the crew on the Earth? What did they find there?
The crew led by captain Omega landed on the Earth with his team. They found themselves in the Centerville Public Library amidst thousands of books. They thought the books to be sandwiches.
Question 16.
Who was Omega? Why did he try to eat the book?
Omega was the captain of the crew which was sent by Think-Tank to invade the Earth. He tried to eat the book because he was ordered by Think-Tank to do so. They all thought the book to be a sandwich.
Question 17.
What was the book about? How did Think-Tank interpret its content?
The book was a popular book of nursery rhymes, Mother Goose. Think-Tank interpreted the rhymes in his own unique way. He concluded that the people on the Earth were more advanced and powerful. He decided to call his crew back. He was so frightened that he vacated the planet Mars too.
Question 18.
Why did Think-Tank decide to call the crew back?
When Think-Tank listened the nursery rhymes read out by Noodle, he concluded that the people on the Earth were more powerful and advanced. He called his crew back and gave up the idea of invading the planet.
Question 19.
Why did Think-Tank decide to evacuate the Martian Planet?
Think-Tank was so frightened after the wrong interpretation of the rhymes book that he not only called the crew back but decided to leave the Martian planet too. He concluded that the people on the Earth were more powerful and advanced. He thought that they might attack his planet and kill him. So, he decided to leave the Martian planet forever and shift to some far away galaxy.
The Book that Saved the Earth Long Answer Questions
Question 1.
Compare the contrast the characters of Think-Tank and Noodle.
Think-Tank and Noodles are the two main characters in the play. Think-Tank is an arrogant fool ruling the planet. He is very strict and cannot hear anything against himself. He thinks that he is the most intelligent and powerful person in the universe. He is an arrogant and stupid person. He has little knowledge about the things.Noodle, on the other hand, is an intelligent and sensible character. He knows how to tackle Think- Tank intelligently. He corrects him tactfully without offending him. Noodle is better than arrogant Think-Tank.
Question 2.
Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes. How does he manage to do that?
This is a fiction which is anticipated. Time has gone five centuries ahead and the twentieth century’s period is being taken as history. The place is Mars and the Martians are speaking about the life on the Earth. In this very funny and interesting play, the character of captain Think-Tank has been depicted as a dictator or almighty who thinks himself to be on the top. He never spares his subordinates and mentions their mistakes immediately.
Every time Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank, he corrects his mistakes also. There are many instances to highlight the same. When the team of Martians on the Earth is oblivious about the object ‘Books’, captain Think-Tank claims that the books are sandwiches. At this Noodle corrects Think’ Tank with utter humility by mentioning that they were not sandwiches but a means of communication. Later also, he mentions the fact that the Martians on the Earth will attain extra intelligence if they eat the vitamins provided by the chemical department but Noodle modestly corrects him and gives him the right information.
At one place when Think-Tank declares that he is never wrong and tells them to eat the sandwiches, with all humility and humbleness, Noodle tells him that sandwiches are some sort of communication device. Thus, with subtle modesty and utter humility, Noodle corrects captain Think-Tank, though he avoided his best to do the same.
Question 3.
If you were in Noodle’s place, how would you have handled Think-Tank’s mistakes?
Think-Tank was a proud and mighty captain. He enjoyed to be honoured by other captains and does not like his mistakes to be corrected. Noodle also avoids correcting his mistakes but he does his work very nicely and gracefully. If I were in Noodle’s place, I would also have handled the situation in the same way he did.
It is said that humility can move mountains. By being most humble, modest and with full respect, I would correct captain Think-Tank’s mistakes so that he should not get annoyed or irritated as he becomes in the beginning when Noodle misses some part of his salutation but pacifies him with his modest manner.
Question 4.
Do you think books are being replaced by the electronic media? Can we do away with books altogether?
This is an era of machines. Machines have occupied almost all the fields of life. Yes, books are also being replaced by electronic media to some extent. Mobile phones, computers and TVs are slowly eating away books. Not only children but even adults prefer electronic media. With the world developing at such a rapid rate, the use of electronic media has become indispensable and the young generation finds more fantasy in playing games than reading books.
Also the concept of electronic books (Books on Computer) makes matter easier for adults and professionals. Books cannot be done away with. Our rich cultural heritage lies in these books that can be preserved for generations ‘ to come. Books are a treasure of history and one can learn a lot by inculcating the habit of reading. Thus, books can never be done away with totally, though electronic media has replaced the traditional books to some extent.
Question 5.
Why are books referred to as man’s best companion? Which is your favourite book and why? Write a paragraph about that book.
It is said that books are the treasure of knowledge and information. The experiences of great scholars are transferred to us through books. Reading is not only a pleasant hobby but an excellent diversion. Our leisure is utilised and we don’t fall into bad company or habit. Books provide us with intellectual feast of knowledge and improve quality of our mind. Thus, books are the best companion of man. I have read many books and I have liked them too.
But my favourite book is ‘Angels and Demons’. It is written by Dan Brown and was the first in the series of four bestsellers, including ‘The Da Vinci Code’. The plot is based on an anti-matter bomb ticking in the core of Vatican City amidst the elections for the Pope. It is a perfect blend of history and modern science. The research involved with the book is stupendous. The scene where the Camerlango stands upon the roof of the church is etched in my memory forever. It is a must-read masterpiece and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Question 6.
In what ways does Think-Tank misinterpret innocent nursery rhymes as threats to the Martians? Can you think of any incidents where you misinterpreted a word or an action? How did you resolve the misunderstanding?
Think-Tank misinterprets innocent nursery rhymes as threats to the Martians. He interprets the rhymes in a complete verbal manner without understanding their contextual meanings. The rhyme mistress Mary makes him ponder over the discovery of the Earth. He understood that silver crops and high explosives could be grown on the Earth. When he listens to the rhyme “Hey diddle, diddle” The is alarmed and is surprised to find that the earthlings are more civilised.
He concluded that they had mastered space technique and were planning interplanetary attack. He screamed when heheard “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall” He interprets, “Had a great fall to the fall of Mars.”He was so scared that he changed his plan to capture the Earth planet. [The remaining part of the answer may differ from student to student as it is based on personal experience.]