These NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources Questions and Answers are prepared by our highly skilled subject experts to help students while preparing for their exams.
Management of Natural Resources NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 16
Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources InText Questions and Answers
In-text Questions (Page 269)
Question 1.
What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment friendly ?
We have to make following changes in our habits to become more environment friendly:
- By using reusable bottles and not disposable cans.
- By keeping streets, gardens, and society clean.
- By closing taps while brushing teeth and shaving or while washing utensils.
- By using public transport. Travel in buses, trains and walking short distances.
- Stop burning garbage.
- By using material which can be recycled.
- Say ‘NO’ to plastic bags.
- Watch out for vehicle emissions.
Question 2.
What should be the advantages of exploiting resources with short terms aims ?
Because the sources are not unlimited and with the human population increasing at a tremendous rate due to improvement in health care. The demand for all resources is increasing at an exponential rate. The management of natural resources require a long term perspective so that this will last for the generations to come and will not merely be exploited to the hilt for short term gains.
Question 3.
How would these advantages different from the advantages of using a long perspective in managing our resources?
Initially when human population was small and level of technological development was also low, the extent to which humans could interface with the environment was limited. They lived with harmony in nature. But with the growing population, the need, have grown. Human by virtue of their mental capabilities exploited for the short term gains.
Question 4.
Why do you think there should be equitable distribution of resources? What forces would be working against an equitable distribution of our resources.
Weather growing population, the needs of human beings have grown. Human started the exploitation of resources to meet their requirements without caring for management of resources. If there is you could table distribution of the resources among the human they will take care of the resources and utilized them carefully. So resources can be preserved for a long time, and coming generation will not be based energy crisis.
Some rich and powerful people are working against an equitable distribution of resources.
In-text Questions (Page 273)
Question 1.
Why should we conserve forest and wildlife?
Forest or the place where diversity of plants and universities found. In other words biodiversity hotspots. As we know that all the biotic components are independent on each other as well as on the abiotic components. Loss of biodiversity or species may therefore lead to ecological instability. We will know the significance of protecting our buyer diversity. The plant and animal provide product useful to us. No life is possible without the plants. Under sources of food, fiber, timber, paper, sports equipments, medicines, oil, dies, rubber. And many other useful products such as animal, also provide us milk, meat, fiber.
So we can serve forest and Wildlife for survival of human on Earth.
Question 2.
Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests.
- People recognize the need to preserve forests and wildlife, and take up the issues concerning with the government agencies
- Species are also concerned by developing network of protected areas and biosphere reserves.
- A total ban on poaching or capturing of any bird or animal. Spices should be enforced and it should be made a punishable offence.
- In essence forest resources must be used in judicious sustainable manner, which is environmentally and developmentally sound.
In-text Questions (Page 276)
Question 1.
Find out about the traditional systems of water harvesting any management in your region.
In different region with this type of traditional systems of water harvesting are used.
- Bhundhi in MP and UP
- Kandis, Tanks, and Nadis in Rajasthan
- Band Haras and Talas in Maharastra
- Ahars and phyme sin bihar
- Kulhs I H.P
- Surangams in Kerala
- Kattas in Karnatka
Question 2.
Compare the above system with the probable system and hilly mountainous areas or planes on plateau regions.
In hilly areas water is stored in lakes mainly. Most of the water is utilized from natural waterfalls in plain diverse and pumps tube wells and ponds are the main system of water
Question 3.
Find out this source of water in your region locality. Is water from this source available to all people living in that area?
Rivers tube Wells, ponds wells, hand pumps, etc are the main source of water. Yes, water from this source is available to all people living in that area.
Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources Textbook Questions and Answers
Page no. 278
Question 1.
What changes would you suggest in your home in order to environment friendly?
Everyone of us has a right to clean environment to us. Right can be fulfilled by maintaining a clean, healthy environment. The following change we have to follow at in order to be equal friendly.
- By reducing paper consumption.
- Stop burning garbage,
- Say no to plastic bags.
- By reducing consumption of water
- By reducing consumption of water. Why did using unnecessary consumption of water?
- By separating biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste is.
- Buy switch off all unnecessary appliances, electrical night.
- By adopting consume less Moto.
Question 2.
Can you suggest some changes in your school? Which would make it environment friendly?
- There should be a established Rainwater harvesting system to raise the groundwater table.
- There should be a separate Separate. Dustbin for biodegradable. Unknown biodegradable waste.
- There should be a separate notice board to make aware to students towards environment.
- Some tips should be given by the teachers delete to the students to make them aware about environment.
- A solar panel should be established to get hot water in the campus.
- By planning of treason, increasing greenery in the school campus.
Question 3.
We saw in this chapter there are four mean stakeholders where it comes to forest and wildlife. Which among these should have their thought it to decide the management of forced? Produce. Why do you think so?
The four stakeholders are :
- The people living in all around forests.
- The Forest Department of the government.
- The factory owners industrialists who use various forest products.
- The nature enthusiasts who want to conserve nature.
The forest department of the government ever thought you to decide the management of forest produce with the involvement of local people. Becaused local people have been working traditionally for conservation of forests. For example, Russian community in Rajasthan for whom conservation of forest and Wildlife has been a religious tenant.
Question 4.
How can you as an individual contribute or make a difference to the management of
(a) Forest and Wildlife.
(b) Water Resources.
(c) Coal Petroleum.
(a) Forest and wildlife : Man forest relationship has been such that human dependence on forest resources for substenance was near total.
- A total ban on poaching, recapturing of any bird also animals faces should be enforced and it should be made a punishable offecse.
- Forest resources must be used in a judicious sustainable manner, which is environmentally and developmentally sound.
- Establishment of National Parks and centuries to protect biodiversity.
(b) Water Resources:
- Proper utilization of irrigation must be made. All breaches in reverse them scanners should be immediately repaired.
- Diverse should not be allowed to flirt large areas.
- Water should be supplied. To plant roots through underground pipes,
- Industrial water and domestic sewage water can be recycled and used again.
- In domestic use, wastage of water should be checked.
- Rain water harvesting is another method of conserving water.
(c) Coal and petroleum:
- We should prefer to use public transport for travelling as they consume less fuel energy per head as compared to the individual vehicles.
- We should always use efficient device appliances
- Solar cooker, solar water heater and Solar dryer should be preferred wherever possible.
- Prefer to use renewable sources of energy.
Question 5.
What can you as an individual do to reduce your consumption of the various natural resources.
- We should close the water taps immediately after using it
- Pulses, rice etc should be soaked in water for at least 15-20 minutes before cooking.
- Consume less motto
- Keep yourself informed
- Support a conservation group.
- Save trees.
- Go on foot steps to cover approachable distances
- Plantation
- Avoid deforestation
Question 6.
List five things you have done over the last one week to:
(a) Conceive our natural resources.
(b) increase the pressure on our natural resources.
(a) Conserve our natural resources:
- I used to go to the market by bicycle
- I closed the water taps immediately after using it
- I used public transport for travelling
- I took bath only in one bucket of water
- I reduced my paper consumption.
(b) Increase the pressure on our natural resources :
- I burnt garbage in my countryard.
- I dumped kitchen waste in a near by pond.
- I did not take care of emission of carbon dioxide from my scooter.
- I used a lot of water to wash my clothes
- I burnt coal randomly.
Question 7.
On the basis of issue raised in this chapter, what change would you incorporate in your lifestyle in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources?
- Developing and using atternate sources of energy and minimising use of non renewable resources.
- Development of newer environment friendly technologies to prevent pollution of air, water and soil.
- Conservation of forests and wildlife by planning of trees and increasing forest area.
- Recycling of wastes and reuse of natural resources
- Harvesting of rainwater, to raise the ground water table.
- Enforcement of environmental laws.
- Say no to plastic bags
- Separate my garbage
- Stop burning garbage
- Reject disposable
- Watch out for vehicle emission
- Reduce my paper consumption
- Save water and trees
- Compost organic waste.
Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources Textbook Activities
Activity 16.1 (Page 266)
1. Find out about the international norms to regulate the emission of carbon dioxide.
2. Have a discussion in class about how we can contribute towards meeting those norms.
- By using fuels of good quality, which produce less amount of CO2
- By plantation i.e., by growing move plants.
- By using more electric appliances.
- By using public transport in place of personal transport.
- To avoid deforestation.
Over population is not the cause of the various problems of environment. Deforestation is rapidly increasing to fulfil the demand of society. An abrupt growth of vehicles releasing a large amount of CO2 in the environment. This problem can be reduced by following the international norms to regulate the emission of carbon- dioxide.
Activity 16.2 (Page 266)
Question 1.
There are a number of organisations that seek to spread awareness about our environment and promote activities and attitudes that lead to the conservation of our environment and natural resources. Find out about the organisation(s) active in your neighbourhood/village /town/city.
Some organisations that seek to spread awareness about environment are :
- Kalpavriksh, New Delhi-started a movement against the destruction of Delhi’s green areas.
- Dasoli Gram Swarajya Mandal Gopeshwar U.P. started Chipko movement.
- International union for conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF)
Question 2.
Find out how you can contribute towards the same cause.
We can contribute towards the same cause as follows:
- Population stabilization
- Conservation of forests and wildlife by planting of trees and increasing forest area.
- Harvesting of rainwater, to raise the groundwater table.
- Development of new environment friendly technology to prevent pollution.
- Recyling of wastes and reuse of resources.
Activity 16.3 (Page 268)
1. Check the pH of the water supplied to your house using universal indicator or litmus paper.
2. Also check the pH of the water in the local waterbody (pond, river, lake, stream).
3. Can you say whether the water is polluted or not on the basis of your observations?
Drinking water should be colourless, odourless and tasteless. It has pH ‘6.0 – 8.5’.
House water turns blue litmus to red. It shows pH ‘6.5’.
PH 9.0 Pond
pH 8.2 River
pH 8.0 Lake
pH 6.9 stream
Activity 16.4 (Page 268)
Question 1.
Have you ever visited a town or village after a few years of absence? If so, have you noticed new roads and houses that have come up since you were there last? Where do you think the materials for making these roads and buildings have come from?
I visited my native place after two years of absence. I saw many new roads and houses there. The material used for the construction of roads and building are arranged from brick field and hill areas.
Question 2.
Try and make a list of the materials and their probable sources.
Question 3.
Discuss the list you have prepared with your classmates. Can you think of ways in which the use of these materials be reduced?
Activity 16.5 (Page 270)
Question 1.
Make a list of forest produce that you use.
Table, Chair, Double bed, window, Door etc.
We all use various forest produce. But our dependency on forest resources varies. Some of us have access to alternatives, some do not. When we consider the conservation of forests, we need to look at the stakeholders who are –
- The people who live in or around forests are dependent on forest produce for various aspects of their life.
- The Forest Department of the Government which owns the land and controls the resources from forests.
- The industrialists – from those who use ‘tendu’ leaves to make bidis to the ones with paper mills – who use various forest produce, but are not dependent on the forests in any one area.
- The wildlife and nature enthusiasts who want to conserve nature in its pristine form.
Question 2.
What do you think a person living near a forest would use?
Question 3.
Discuss with your classmates how these needs differ or do not differ and the reasons for the same.
Activity 16.6 (Page 271)
Question 1.
Find out about any two forest produce that are the basis for an industry.
Pulp (Paper Industry) Wood (Craft Industry)
Question 2.
Discuss whether this industry is sustainable in the long run or do we need to control our consumption of these products?
Industry would consider the forest as merely a source of raw material for its factories. And huge interest groups lobby the government for access to these rew materials at articificially low rates. Since these industries have greater reach than the local people, they are not interested in the sustainability of the forest in one particular in the sustainability of the forest in one particular area. For example after cutting down all teak trees in one ares, they will get their teak from a forest farther away. They do not have any stake in ensuring that one particular area should yield on optiomal amount of some produce for all generations to come.
Activity 16.7 (Page 273)
Question 1.
Debate the damage caused to forests by the following –
(a) Building rest houses for tourists in national parks.
(b) Grazing domestic animals in national parks.
(c) Tourists throwing plastic bottles/ covers and other litter in national parks.
(a) Building rest houses for tourists in national parks are construted on behalf of damage of trees of the forest.
(b) Grazing domestic animals in national park destroy small, leaves, flowers etc.
(c) Plastic bottles/covers and other non-biodegradable articles are harmful for the environment as well as national parks because they spread pollution.
Activity 16.8 (Page 273)
Question 1.
Villages suffering from chronic water shortage surround a water theme park in Maharashtra. Debate whether this is the optimum use of the available water.
The earth is some times called the water-planet as this is the only plant in our solar system which has an abundant supply of water. Water is essential for all life forms. Water theme park is the proper and optimum utilisation of available water. From a water theme park villagers can understand the various ways of proper utilisation of water. This is the optimum use of the available water.
Activity 16.9 (Page 273)
Question 1.
Study the rainfall patterns in India from an atlas.
Abundent water is found in region of Assam, West Bengal, Orissa and Coastal regions in India.
Question 2.
Identify the regions where water is abundant and the regions of water scarcity.
Shortage of water is found in desert regions of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh etc.
Activity 16.10 (Page 277)
Question 1.
Coal is used in thermal power stations and petroleum products like petrol and diesel are used in means of transport like motor vehicles, ships and aeroplanes. We cannot really imagine life without a number of electrical appliances and constant use of transportation. So can you think of ways in which our consumption of coal and petroleum products be reduced?
Some simple choices can make a difference in our energy consumption patterns. Think over the relative advantages, disadvantages and environment-friendliness of the following –
- Taking a bus, using your personal vehicle or walking/cycling.
- Using LED bulbs or fluorescent tubes in your homes.
- Using the lift or taking the stairs.
- Wearing an extra sweater or using a heating device (heater or ‘sigri’) on cold days.
The management of coal and petroleum also addresses the efficiency of our machines. Fuel is most commonly used in internal combustion engines for transportation and recent research in this field concentrates on ensuring complete combustion in these engines in order to increase efficiency and also reduce air pollution.
Activity 16.11 (Page 278)
Question 1.
You must have heard of the Euro I and Euro II norms for emission from vehicles. Find out how these norms work towards reducing air pollution.
These norms reduce the poisonous smoke released into the air by the emission of vehicles. The vehicles will there norms emit very less smoke in the air.
Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources Additional Important Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is preservatives?
It refers to no use of resources.
Question 2.
What is sustainable development?
Development which meets the needs of the present generation as well of future generations.
Question 3.
What is chippo movement?
A movement started in Gharwal in the Himalayas to stop cutting the trees.
Question 4.
What are natural resources?
Coal, petroleum, forests, water etc.
Question 5.
What is Coliform?
It is a group of bacteria found in human intestine
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What do you mean by reduce. Give some examples.
Reduce mean that you use less.
For example
- Buy only what you need
- Use both sides of paper
- Save water by repairing taps.
- Take only that much food that you can consume
- Save electricity by switching of unnecessary lights and fans.
Question 2.
What do you mean by recycle?
Recycle means that you use less
For example
- Buy only that you need
- Use both sides of paper
- Save water by repairing leaking taps
- Take only that much food that you can consume
- Save electricity by switching off necessary lights and fan.
Question 3.
What do you mean by recycle ?
Recycle means using the resources same again and again but in modified form, e.g.,
- Old newspaper can be recycled to make tissue paper and cardboard.
- Organic waste can be allowed to rot and manure can be prepared.
- Recycle glass, plastics aluminium cans other metals to produce useful products.
Question 4.
What do you mean by reuse? Give some examples
It means using the same resources again in the same form, such as refilling cold drinks bottle.
For example
- reuse plastic items like bags bottle cups, etc.
- reuse empty glass bottles as container for storing things.
- reuse Cloth jute or paper bags Instead. Of using new plastic bags.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
In order to obtain sustainable development word changes would you like to incorporate ?
Give some practices for sustainable development and conserving the environment.
Practices for sustainable development and consuming the environment are:
- Population stabilization.
- Social and cultural changes.
- Developing and using alternate source of energy and minimizing use of non-renewable resources.
- Enforcement of environmental laws.
- Establishment of national parks and centuries to protect biodiversity
- Harvesting the groundwater to raise the groundwater table.
- Use of biomass for producing products of industrial and commercial importance.
- Recycling of wastes and reuse of resources.
- Phones. Conservation of forests and Wildlife by planting of trees and increasing forest area.
- Development of newer environment friendly techniques and prevent pollution of air, water and soil.
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Bishnoi is an eco-religion is started by:
(a) Guru Jamesburg
(b) Guru Golwalker Ji
(c) Sundar Lai Bahugana
(d) Amrita Devi
(a) Guru Jamesburg
Question 2.
Coliform is a class of
(a) Virus
(b) Bacteria
(c) Fungi
(d) Tree
(b) Bacteria
Question 3.
3R’s means?
(a) Reduce
(b) Reuse.
(c) Recycle
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above
Question 4.
Reuse means using the same resources again in the.
(a) same form.
(b) Modified form.
(c) Less form.
(d) All of the above.
(a) same form.
Question 5.
Recycle means using the same resources again in the
(a) same form.
(b) Modified form.
(c) Less form.
(d) All of the above.
(b) Modified form.