NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality

Detailed, Step-by-Step NCERT Solutions for 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality Questions and Answers were solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines covering each topic in chapter to ensure complete preparation.

Equality NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13

Equality Questions and Answers Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13

Question 1.
Some people argue that inequality is natural while others maintain that it is equality which is natural and the inequalities which we notice around us are created by society. Which view do you support? Give reasons.
Both views seem to be correct that inequality is natural and also equality is natural. It is the view-point of understanding these two concepts which make the difference. Natural inequality is that somewhere it is night and somewhere it is day, somewhere it is hot and at somewhere it is cold, somewhere it is plain and at other place it is hill.

Somewhere it is dry and at other place it is raining. Similarly a man is black and other man is white. One short and other is long. Similarly there is biological inequality as some are men and other female with their biological inequalities.

Nature has also made man equal in capabilicities and capacities and every one likes to be equal as a matter of right. Equality is also natural condition but equality in absolute sense is not possible in collective sense. Therefore the meaning of equality has to be defined keeping in view the sour economic conditions of society.

The essentials of equality have to be decided with reference to the living and working environment of man. Even unequal conditions can be understood and accepted as equality. Man made unjust equality has to be removed. The wages of a doctor and labourer are bound to be different.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality

Question 2.
There is a view that absolute equality is neither possible nor desirable. It is argued that the most a society can do is to try and reduce the gaps between the richest and poorest members of society. Do you agree?
We have reasons to fully agree with the above statement that absolute equality is neither possible nor desirable. We take the example of a doctor and a labourer. Equal wages of a doctor and labourer is neither possible nor desirable because a doctor has made big investment and thus has earned his capacities and capabilities.

Moreover his responsibilities and work are greater than the responsibilities and vfork of a labourer. If a doctor is paid Rs. 10,000/PM, it is not expected that even a labourer is also paid Rs. 10,000/PM.

He will be reasonable paid Rs. 3,000/PM. Therefore if there is difference of Rs. 7,000/PM in the wages of a doctor and labourer it will not be criticised and it will be accepted as equality. However if there are two labourers in which one is male and is paid Rs. 3,000/PM and another is female, who is paid Rs. 1,000/PM for being female. It is the situation of man made inequality and it is the violation of equality.

All men cannot be richest and all are not supposed to be poorest. All are not supposed to live in big palaces and all should not be forced to live in huts without bare needs of life. Equality should prevail in relative terms where all get equal opportunities and access to needs of life and develop their capabilities and capacities.

Question 3.
Match the following concepts with appropriate instances.
A. Affirmative action – 1. Every adult citizen has a right to vote.
B. Equality of opportunity – 2. Banks offer higher rate of interest to senior citizens.
C. Equal Rights – 3. Every child should get free education.
A. (2), B. 3, C. (1).

Question 4.
A government report on farmers* problems says that small and marginal farmers cannot get good prices from the market. It recommends that the government should intervene to ensure a better price but only for small and marginal farmers. Is this recommendation consistent with the principle of equality?
It is definitely against the principle of equality or is not consistent with the principle of equality because there cannot be two pricing policy of agricultural products, one for small and marginal farmers and one for the big and rich farmers. If the small farmers are not getting good prices, the reasons are different. The small and marginal farmers can be helped by some affirmative actions like giving them higher subsidies and low interest loans for the sake of equality.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality

Question 5.
Which of the following violate the principle of equality? And why?
a. Every child in class will read the text of the play by turn.
b. The Government of Canada encouraged white Europeans to migrate to Canada from the end of the Second World War till 1960.
c. There is separate railway reservation counter for the senior citizens.
d. Access to some forests areas is reserved for certain tribal communities.
There is violation of principle of equality in Para ‘b’ where the Government of Canada made distinction on the basis of co lour andencouraged only white Europeans to migrate to Canada from the end of the Second World War till 1960. It is clearly the violation of principle of Equality.

lnPara‘a’and Para ‘c’ there is no violationofprincipleofEquality. In Para ‘d’ also there is violation of equality because there is
discrimination in giving access to forest areas to only for certain tribal communities and not for all.

Question 6.
Here are some arguments in favour of the right to vote for women. Which of these are consistent with the idea of equality? Give reasons.
a. Women are our mothers. We shall not disrespect our mothers by denying them the right to vote.
b. Decisions of the government affect women as well as men, therefore they should also have a say in choosing the rulers.
c. Not granting women the right to vote will cause disharmoney in the family.
d. Women constitute half of humanity. You cannot subjugate . them for long by denying them the right to vote.
Para ‘b’ and Para ‘d’ are more consistent with the idea of equality. Para ‘b’ says that since the decisions of the government affect men and women, hence both should have say in choosing the rulers. Para ‘c’ also is right that you can deny this right which constitute 50% of total population.
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality

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