Detailed, Step-by-Step NCERT Solutions for 11 Political Science Chapter 19 Peace Questions and Answers were solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines covering each topic in chapter to ensure complete preparation.
Peace NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 19
Peace Questions and Answers Class 11 Political Science Chapter 19
Question 1.
Do you think that a change towards a peaceful world, needs a change in the way people think? Can mind promote peace and is it enough to focus only on the human mind?
It is rightly said that nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. Therefore it is the manner of thinking that creates tension or peace. It is thinking which is to be taken care of. Thinking is the outcome of the psyche and psyche is created and influenced by hereditary and environmental factors.
Ultimately environment is to be reformed and improved, so that it could lead to make healthy mind and positive thinking. Mind plays very important role in shaping the behaviour of man. Every study dealing with the peace has underlined the need of psyche, mind and resulting behaviour of man. Gautam Buddha said “All wrong doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong doing remove.
Philosophycally there have ever been both things i.e. goodness and evil, violence and non-violence, tension are inconceivable. What is required is the management of socio-economic environment in such a way that the psyche and human behaviour is shaped in such a way that it becomes condusive to peace. The world cannot liye in two extreme situation. In fact what is desirable in the normal life with normal environment.
Only few philosophers thought or talked about Utopia. Violence is to be curbed and controlled to produce good behaviour and good environment. If environment is good, it will make good mind which will lead to good behaviour and ultimately to peace.
Question 2.
A state must protect the lives and rights of its citizens. However, at times its own actions are a source of violence against some of its citizens. Comment with the help of some examples.
If we go to the history of origin feature of the state, there have been different perceptions about state in different period by different theorists. Initially Aristotle considered state as a welfare institution. Socialist thinkers created the state for maintaining law and property and for the protection of lives and property of the people.
Modem state is also concerned with controlling law and order and protection of lives and property as compulsory functions besides other optional works in the name of development and welfare.
State is sovereign institution which is given absolute power to take the decisions in the interests of the people and get them implemented. To maintain law and order and to protect the lives of the people is ultimate responsibility of the state and to fulfil this duty, the state is entitled to take any action/decision which state considered necessary.
Sometimes it becomes necessary’ for the state to resort to violent action as punishment to the wrong doer and offenders and law breakers. State is supposed to take punishing actions against the offenders but within the norms and in the parameters of justness. When the state violates these norms and limits then it is called as excess on the part of the state. In modern terminology, it is called as state terrorism. Police and Military have to face such charges when they perform their duties maintaining law and order.
Question 3.
Peace can be best realised when there is freedom, equality and justice. Do you agree?
It is true that freedom, equality and justice are the essential constituent of peace. History bears the proof that whenever there have been absense of equality, freedom and justice, there have also been the absence of peace also. Inequalities, justice and domination or slavery will create the tension and conflict which will automatically lead to loss of peace.
Traditional post system was based on hierarchy in which certain group of people were declared untouchable who were subjected to social exclusion and deprivation of worst sort, based on grave inequalities, injustice and loss of freedom. These inequalities ultimately lead to tension and conflict in which the peace becomes the casuality.
Similarly the women have been victim of male domination and many orthodox practices which resulted in the systematic subordination and discrimination against women. Its manifestations have been in worst forms of exploitation of women in which she is denied freedom, equality and justice.
Colonialism has been another worst system in which there has been prolonged and direct subjugation, exploitation and injustice which ultimately led to revolt and breach of peace. Similarly racism and communalism involve the stigmatization and oppression of an entire racial group or community.
It is therefore can be concluded that to achieve an environment based on equality, justice-and freedom is must. If any one of these values is missing, there will be danger to the peace.
Question 4.
Use of violence does not achieve just ends in the long run. What do you think about this statement?
This statement is very much true. Violence leads to violence, which puts the ultimate objective far away. It is the tolerance and non-violence which help in achieving the just ends. However sometimes it is said that violence helps in achieving certain ends. Violence becomes necessary in certain circumstances.
But that is not a permanent feature. The violence cannot achieve lasting peace. It is only through the non violence that lost peace can be achieved: It is for this reason that supporters of non-violence, who consider peace tote a supreme value, take a moral stand against the use of violence even for attaining just ends.
They advocate opposition of violent methods. But they advocate the use of love and tolerance. They went to stop violence through the change of heart. They consider violence as the last resort.
Question 5.
Differentiate between the major approaches, discussed in the chapter, to the establishment of peace in the world.
Many approaches have been given for the realisation and maintainance of peace. Main approaches are the following three approaches:-
First approach keeps emphasis on states, respects their sovereignty and treats the competition among them as a fact of life. Its main concern is with the proper management of this competition and to establish balance of power for peace.
The second approach also focuses on deep-rooted state rivalry, but it stresses the positive presense and possible interdependence. It underscores the growing social and economic co-operation among nations. The third approach considers the system to be a passing phase in history. It considers the community as the surest guarantee