NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English
The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4
The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom Comprehension check-I
Question 1.
Why did the neighbours kill the dog?
The neighbours killed the dog because the dog did not help them find any treasure. He only found a dead kitten under the pine tree, and this made them very mad. They killed the dog cruelly in a fit of anger.
Question 2.
Mark the right item.
i. The old farmer and his wife loved the dog
- because it helped them in their day-to-day work.
- as if it was their own baby.
- as they were kind to all living beings.
- as if it was their own baby.
ii. When the old couple became rich, they
- gave the dog better food.
- invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.
- lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
- lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
iii. The greedy couple borrowed the mill and the mortar to make
- rice pastry and bean sauce.
- magic ash to win rewards.
- a pile of gold.
- a pile of gold.
The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom Working with the text
Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
The old farmer is a kind person. What evidence of his kindness do you find in the first two paragraphs.
The old farmer was very kind because he not only treated his dog as his own son, but also fed the birds that he encountered on his way home. He fed the dog with tidbits of fish from his own chopsticks, and all the boiled rice it wanted.He was patient and kind to everything that had life, and often gave food to the birds.
Question 2.
What did the dog do to lead the farmer to the hidden gold?
The dog put his paws against the old man’s legs and motioned with his head to some spot behind. This is how he led the farmer to the hidden gold.
Question 3.
i. How did the spirit of the dog help the farmer first?
The spirit of the dog helped the farmer by leading him to the pine tree under his grave. He asked him to make a mortar for rice pastry and mill for bean sauce from its wood. When the old man did as asked, all the food turned into a heap of gold. He became rich again.
ii. How did it help him next?
Next, he asked the old man to take the ashes of the mill and sprinkle them on withered trees. When he did so, the withered tress blossomed again, and they were full of flowers. He spread the ashes on some withered trees when the daimios were passing why. The daimios were impressed and rewarded him with riches, and invited him to their castle.
Question 4.
Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punish his neighbour for the same act?
The daimio rewarded the farmer because he converted a barren tree into one with full bloom. It was a sight full of wonder and awe for him.
The farmer, in trying to do the same thing, ended up throwing the ash on daimio and his wife. In this way, everybody with the daimio began to cough and sneeze. It spoiled the dignity and pomp of the procession. This is why the king punished the farmer.
The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom Working with language
Question 1.
Read the following paragraph and frame questions on the italicised phrases.
Anil is in school. I am in school too. Anil is sitting in the left row. He is reading a book. Anil’s friend is sitting in the second row. He is sharpening his pencil. The teacher is writing on the blackboard. Children are writing in their copybooks. Some children are looking out of the window.
- Where is Anil?
- Where is Anil sitting?
- What is he doing?
- Where is Anil’s friend sitting?
- What is Anil’s friend doing?
- Who is writing on the blackboard?
- What are some of the children looking at?
Question 2.
Write appropriate question words in the blank spaces in the following dialogue.
Neha : When did you get this book?
Sheela : Yesterday morning.
Neha : Why is your sister crying?
Sheela : Because she has lost her doll.
Neha : Whose room is this, yours or hers?
Sheela : It’s ours.
Neha : How do you go to school?
Sheela : We walk to school. It is nearby.
Question 3.
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.
how, what,when,where,where
- My friend lost his chemistry book. Now he doesn’t know what to do and where to look for it.
- There are so many toys in the shops. Neena can’t decide which one to buy.
- You don’t know the way to my school. Ask the policeman how to get there.
- You should decide soon when to start building your house.
- Do you know how to ride a bicycle? I don’t remember how and when I learnt it.
- “You should know to talk how and when to keep your mouth shut, ” the teacher advised Anil.
Question 4.
Add im- or in- to each of the following words and use them in place of the italicised words in the sentences given below.
i. The project appears very difficult at first sight but it can be completed if we work very hard.
The project appears impossible at first sight but it can be completed if we work very hard.
ii. He lacks competence. That’s why he can’t keep any job for more than a year.
He is incompetent. That’s why he can’t keep any job for more than a year.
iii. “Don’t lose patience. Your letter will come one day,” the postman told me.
“Don’t be impatient. Your letter will come one day,” the postman told me.
iv. That’s not a proper remark to make under the circumstances.
That’s an improper remark to make under the circumstances.
v. He appears to be without sensitivity. In fact, he is very emotional.
He appears to be insensitive. In fact, he is very emotional.
Question 5.
Use a, an or the in the blanks.
There was once a play which became very successful. A. famous actor was acting in it. In the play his role was that of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in a castle for twenty years. In the last act of the play someone would come on the stage with a letter which he would hand over to the prisoner. Even though the aristocrat was not expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that the letter be written out from beginning to end.
Question 6.
A : Would you like an apple or a banana?
B : I’d like an apple, please.
A : Take the red one in the fruit bowl. You may take an orange also, if you like.
B : Which one?
A : The one beside the banana.
The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom Speaking and writing
Question 1.
Do you remember an anecdote or a story about a greedy or jealous person and the unhappy result of his/her action? Narrate the story to others in your class.(Encourage the students to narrate a story to others in the class.)
There was once a greedy king called King Midas. Once he found a lamp near his castle. He rubbed it, and a genie appeared from the lamp. The genie asked the king to make a wish.
The king asked the genie to grant him a wish that whatever he touches will turn into gold. The genie granted him this wish. The king was ecstatic. He could not be happier. He touched every nook and comer of his palace. Now he had a golden throne; a golden room, and even a golden bird in a golden cage.
But he felt a little hungry now with all the excitement and having jumped around so much. He sat on the golden table to eat the bread, but lo and behold! The bread turned into gold as soon as he touched it. As he went about touching all the food one by one, it all turned into gold. He was confused, and just when he was contemplating what he had done, his daughter came and hugged him. He also hugged her in return without thinking, and could not believe what happened after. His daughter—his dearest daughter, the one person he loved the most in the world—had turned into a golden statue.
He cried and cried so much that the genie appeared once again. The king begged the genie to undo the wish. The genie looked at the king’s sad condition and agreed to undo the wish. Soon, everything that the king had turned into gold returned back to its original form. But what made the king the happiest was that he could hug his dearest daughter again. He had never felt so relieved and happy in his entire life.The next day, the king called all his subjects and donated all his gold among his them. He was no longer a greedy king.
Question 2.
Put each of the following in the correct order. Then use them appropriately to fill the blanks in the paragraph that follows. Use correct punctuation marks.
Ravi Kant is a writer, and he writes in both English and Hindi. Of course, he is much happier writing in English than in Hindi. He has written many books in English and only a few short stories in Hindi. I find his books a little hard to understand. My Hindi is much better than my English.
Question 3.
Are you fond of reading stories? Did you read one last month? If not, read one or two and then write a paragraph about the story. Use the following hints.
- title of the story
- name of author
- how many characters
- which one you liked
- some details of the story
- main point(s) as you understand it
Tell your friends why they should also read it.
(Encourage the students to use their creativity and formulate their own answers.)
Sample answer:
Yes, I am very fond of reading stories. I read whenever I find some free time. Last week, I read a story called ‘The Christmas Carol’. It is a short story by Charles Dickens. The story is about Ebenezer Scrooge, a miser, who does not believe in love, compassion and the Christmas spirit. A day before Christmas, three ghosts visit him and make him realize the true value of love and life. After the visit by the ghosts, he understands that no one will miss or remember him unless he changes the way he lives.
My favourite character in the story is Tiny Tim, who is the crippled son of Ebenezer Scrooge’s secretary, Bob Cratchit. Scrooge is finally able to save Tiny Tim from a ghastly future and changes into a good human being after meeting the ghosts. I love this story because it is all about the Christmas spirit of love, compassion and forgiveness. I would . suggest that everyone should read that story because it is so touching and makes us realize the true worth of life and the people