NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1 The Squirrel

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English

The Squirrel NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1

The Squirrel NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers

The Squirrel Working with the poem

Question 1.
Why does the poet say the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail ”? Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel sitting on the ground. How would you describe its tail?
The poet says that the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail” because its tail twirls in a way that it resembles the shape of a question mark.

A squirrel’s tail is big, bushy, fuzzy and soft. It is greyish brown in colour and looks like a parachute on its body. It helps the squirrel to keep itself steady as it leaps from across treetops and telephone lines. One can often see a quirrel flick and wag its tail. (Encourage the students to draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel sitting on the ground.)

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1 The Squirrel

Question 2.
Do we usually say that an animal ‘wears’ a tail? What do we say? (Think: Does an animal wear a coat? Consult a dictionary if you like, andfind out how ‘wear ’ is used in different ways.)
No, we usually say that an animal ‘has’ a tail. The term ‘wear’ is usually used to denote what a person puts on his or her body or what they dress like. This may include clothes, accessories, the type of hair, perfume or even the kind of expression one has.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 1 The Squirrel

Question 3.
“He liked to tease and play”. Who is teasing whom? How?
The squirrel is a playful animal, and leaps and jumps about. It is teasing the poet and his friends by running and jumping around. The squirrel is playing with them. He scampers about so fast that it is nearly impossible to catch his glimpse. He is making them run around the tree.

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