NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English
The Comet 1 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 9
The Comet 1 NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers
The Comet 1 Comprehension check – I
Question 1.
Why does Indrani Debi dislike Duttada s “hobnobbing ” with Dibya?
Indrani Debi dislikes Duttada’s “hobnobbing” with Dibya because she is not happy that her husband spends so much time with his telescope, or in her words, his dibya-chakshu. He spent all his spare hours observing the sky with the telescope.
Question 2.
She is complaining and smiling. Why is she smiling?
She is smiling because she knows that her husband was absent-minded about the practical things in life such as wearing a sweater when it’s cold out there.
Question 3.
i. What was Duttada’s secret ambition?
Duttada’s secret ambition was to discover a new comet.
ii. What did he do to achieve it?
He got an eight-inch telescope installed at the roof of his home, and used his life savings to do so.
Question 4.
What is the difference between a planet and a comet, as given in the story?
Like planets, comets also orbit round the Sun but their orbits are highly eccentric. So once in a while a comet comes close to the Sun; it has a longish tail that is lit brilliantly by the sunlight and then it recedes into darkness not to be seen again for years, or for centuries.
Question 5.
Why was Duttada hopeful that he would discover a new comet soon?
Duttada was hopeful that he would discover a new comet soon because he knew that the professionals with their pre-assigned programmes would be looking at faint stars and nebulous galaxies. They might miss such an insignificant thing as a comet which they were not expecting to see anyway.
Question 6.
Why does Duttada say— “I almost wish I had not discovered this comet. ”?
He says so because the discovery of the comet by him brought him unwelcome publicity. He was an introvert, and suddenly, there were numerous receptions and functions to attend.
Question 7.
Why is his wife unhappy about the discovery?
His wife is unhappy about the discovery because she believes that comets bring ill-luck, and did not want her husband to be associated with one.
The Comet 1 Comprehension check – II
Question 1.
How did Sir John get hold of James original manuscript?
Sir John got hold of James’ original manuscript through his friend Taylor, who is the editor of Nature, the magazine that was going to publish James’ article.
Question 2.
What is the important point the paper makes?
The important point the paper makes is that Comet Dutta will collide with the Earth, barring some rare circumstances.
Question 3.
Why does Sir John say that James ’paper should not be published?
Sir John says that James’ paper will create a huge panic among the people of the world.
Question 4.
What do the two men finally decide to do?
The two men finally decide to organize an international conference in secret to discuss and come up with counter-measures to stop Comet Dutta from colliding with the Earth.