MCQ Questions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 5 Popular Struggles and Movements with Answers

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Popular Struggles and Movements Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 10 Exams can download MCQ on Popular Struggles and Movements Class 10 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 10 Civics Chapter 5 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 10 SST Civics Chapter 5 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
The groups that form an organisation and undertake activities to promote their interests or their viewpoints are called:
(a) Pressure groups
(b) Agitation groups
(c) Mobile groups
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Pressure groups
Such groups are called pressure groups.

Question 2.
Unlike political parties, pressure groups:
(a) Aim to directly control or share political power
(b) Do not aim to directly control or share political power
(c) Do not all attempt to influence government policies
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Do not aim to directly control or share political power
Pressure groups do not aim to directly control or share political power.

Question 3.
The decision of movements is:
(а) More informal and flexible
(b) More formal and flexible
(c) Less informal and flexible
(d) Less formal and flexible


Answer: (а) More informal and flexible
The decision of movements is more informal and flexible.

Question 4.
Usually interest groups seek to promote the:
(a) Interests of particular section or groups of society
(b) Interest of the whole population
(c) Religious groups only
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Interests of particular section or groups of society
Usually interest groups seek to promote the interests of particular section or group of society.

Question 5.
Promotional groups promote:
(а) Selective rather than collective good
(b) Collective rather than selective good
(c) Can be both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) collective rather than selective good
Promotional groups promote collective rather than selective good.

Question 6.
An organisation that is largely made up of government employees that campaign against caste discrimination to called:


Answer: (a) BAMCEF
It is called BAMCEF.

Question 7.
Generic movements always seek to:
(a) Achieve a broad goal in the very long term
(b) Achieve a broad goal in a very short term
(c) Achieve a single objective within a limited time frame
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Achieve a broad goal in the very long term
Generic movements always seek to achieve a broad goal in the very long term.

Question 8.
The main objective of the Narmada Bachao Andolan was to:
(а) Give more water to the rural areas than urban areas
(b) To give more compensation to the villagers
(c) To stop the dam from being constructed
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) To stop the dam from being constructed
It is to stop the dam from being constructed.

Question 9.
The full form of NAPM, is:
(a) National Alliance for People’s Movement
(b) National Authority for People’s Movement
(c) National Assistance for People’s Movement
(d) National Authority Permanent Movement


Answer: (a) National Alliance for People’s Movement
It is National Alliance for Peoples’ Movement.

Question 10.
Most of the pressure groups:
(a) Try to influence the people into giving more attention to their issues
(b) Try to influence the media into giving more attention to their issues
(c) Try to influence political parties into giving more attention to their issues
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Try to influence the media into giving more attention to their issues
Most of the pressure groups try to influence the media into giving more attention to their issues.

Question 11.
Business groups often employ :
(a) Media to solve their issues
(b) Labourers to do their work
(c) Professional lobbyists or sponsor expensive advertisements
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Professional lobbyists or sponsor expensive advertisements
Business groups often employ professional lobbyists or sponsor expensive advertisements.

Question 12.
On balance, pressure groups and movements have:
(a) Deepened democracy
(b) Deepened the people
(c) Deepened the media
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Deepened democracy
On balance, pressure groups and movements have deepened democracy.

Question 13.
When different groups function actively:
(a) One single groups can achieve dominance over society
(b) All groups can achieve dominance over society
(c) No one single group can achieve dominance over society
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) No one single group can achieve dominance over society
When different groups function actively, no one single group can achieve dominance over society.

Question 14.
Nepal witnessed an extraordinary popular movement, aimed at restoring democracy in:
(a) April 2004
(b) April 2005
(c) April 2006
(d) April 2007


Answer: (c) April 2006
Nepal witnessed an extraordinary popular movement, aimed at restoring democracy in April, 2006.

Question 15.
King Birendra was killed in a mysterious massacre of the royal family in:
(a) 2000
(b) 2001
(c) 2002
(d) 2003


Answer: (b) 2001
King Birendra was killed in 2001.

Question 16.
King Gyanendra, the new king of Nepal, was not prepared:
(а) To accept the throne
(b) To rule Nepal
(c) To accept democratic rule
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) To accept democratic rule
King Gyanendra was not prepared to accept democratic rule.

Question 17.
King Gyanendra dismissed the Prime Minister and dissolved the elected Parliament in:
(a) March, 2005
(b) February, 2005
(c) February, 2006
(d) March, 2006


Answer: (b) February, 2005
The whole Parliament was dismissed by King Gyanendra in February, 2005.

Question 18.
SPA stands for:
(а) Several party alliance
(b) Seven party authority
(c) Supreme party authority
(d) Seven party alliance


Answer: (d) Seven party alliance
SPA stands for Seven Party Alliance, (in Nepal)

Question 19.
The king was forced to concede all the three demands of the SPA on:
(а) 24 April, 2004
(b) 24 March, 2004
(c) 24 May, 2004
(d) 24 June, 2004


Answer: (а) 24 April, 2004
The king was conceded the demands of the SPA on 24 April, 2004.

Question 20.
The new Prime Minister choosen by the SPA was:
(a) Girija Prashad Koirala
(b) Birija Lai Koirala
(c) Birija Lai Gupta
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Girija Prashad Koirala
The SPA choose Girija Prashad Koirala as the new Prime Minister.

Question 21.
Bolivia is a:
(a) Poor country in south America
(b) Rich country in Latin America
(c) Poor country in Latin America
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Poor country in Latin America
Bolivia is a poor country in Latin America.

Question 22.
Many people of the city of Cochabamba, received monthly water bill of Rs. 1000, where average income is around:
(a) 4000 a month
(b) 5000 a month
(c) 6000 a month
(d) 7000 a month


Answer: (b) 5000 a month
The average income of most people of the city of Cochabamba was 5000 a month.

Question 23.
The popular struggle in Bolivia was about one specific policy, while the struggle in Nepal was about the:
(а) Foundations of the country’s politics
(b) Democratic rights
(c) Restoration of monarchy
(d) None of the above


Answer: (а) Foundations of the country’s politics
In Nepal the struggle was for the foundations of the country’s politics.

Question 24.
Democratic conflict is resolved through:
(a) M agitation
(b) Mass public movement
(c) Mass mobilisation
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Mass mobilisation
Democratic conflict is resolved through mass mobilisation.

Question 25.
The party in Nepal, which was involved in an armed struggle against the Nepali government is:
(a) Nepalese Congress Party
(b) The Nepalese Communist Party
(c) Nepalese Party
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) The Nepalese
Communist Party
It was the Nepalese Communist Party.

Question 26.
The protest against water privatisation in Bolivia was led by an organisation called:


Answer: (a) FEDECOR
The protest was led by FEDECOR.

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. The movement in Nepal in April, 2006, was aimed at restoring democracy.


Answer: True

2. The movement of April, 2006 was aimed at regaining popular control over the government by the king.


Answer: False

3. The number of protesters in Nepal, reached between three to five lakhs on 21, April.


Answer: True

4. On 24 April, 2005, the king was forced to concede all the three demands.


Answer: False

5. The SPA and the Maoists came to an understanding about how the new constituent Assembly was going to be elected.


Answer: True

6. The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to democracy all over the world.


Answer: True

7. The police, in Bolivia, resorted to brutal repression when the agitation was started again in March.


Answer: False

8. The popular struggle in Nepal was about one specific policy, while the struggle in Bolivia was about the foundations of the country’s politics.


Answer: False

9. Both the struggles in Nepal and Bolivia, were successful but their impact was at different levels.


Answer: True

10. Democracy evolves through popular struggles.


Answer: True

11. Democratic conflict is resolved through mass mobilisation.


Answer: True

12. Spontaneous public participation becomes ineffective with the help of organised politics.


Answer: False

13. The protest against water privatisation in Bolivia was led by a political party.


Answer: False

14. The movement in Bolivia, was supported by the socialist party.


Answer: True

15. One obvious way of influencing the decisions in a democracy is direct participation in competitive politics.


Answer: True

16. There are many indirect ways in which people can get governments to listen to their demands or their points of view.


Answer: True

17. Sometimes people decide to act together without forming organisations.


Answer: True

18. Pressure groups are organisations that do not influence government policies.


Answer: False

19. Pressure groups aim to directly control or share political power.


Answer: False

20. The struggle in Nepal was called a movement for democracy.


Answer: True

21. A movement attempts to influence politics rather than directly take part in electoral competition.


Answer: True

22. A movement does not attempts to influence politics but can directly take part in electrol competition.


Answer: False

23. The principal of the sectional interest groups is the betterment and well-being of their members, not society in general.


Answer: True

24. Promotional groups promote collective rather than selective good.


Answer: True

25. BAMCEF is an organisation largely made up of government employees that campaigns against religion.


Answer: False

26. Most of the movements issue-specific movements that seek to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.


Answer: True

27. Generic movements seek to achieve a broad goal in a very short term.


Answer: False

28. The main objective of Narmada Bachao Andolan is to stop the dam from being constructed.


Answer: True

29. Single-issue movements can be contrasted with movements that are long term and involve more than one issue.


Answer: True

30. The environmental movement and the women’s movement are examples of single-issue movements.


Answer: True

Match the following


1. Maoists(а) organisations that seek to promote common interest
2. Movement(b) collective rather than selective good
3. Political parties(c) groups that seek to promote the interests of a particular section
4. Promotial groups(d) communists who believe in the ideology of Mao
5. Interest groups (e) organisations that mobilise people with a view to win political power


1. Maoists(d) communists who believe in the ideology of Mao
2. Movement(а) organisations that seek to promote common interest
3. Political parties(e) organisations that mobilise people with a view to win political power
4. Promotial groups(b) collective rather than selective good
5. Interest groups(c) groups that seek to promote the interests of a particular section


1. King Gyanendra was not prepared to(а) on an electedA. rule
2. The movement in Nepal was to(b) popularB. democracy
3. The struggle in Bolivia involved claims(c) massC. mobilisation
4. Democracy evolves through(d) accept democraticD. struggles
5. Democracy conflict is resolved through(e) establishE. democratic government


1. King Gyanendra was not prepared to(d) accept democraticA. rule
2. The movement in Nepal was to(e) establishB. democracy
3. The struggle in Bolivia involved claims(а) on an electedE. democratic government
4. Democracy evolves through(b) popularD. struggles
5. Democracy conflict is resolved through(c) massC. mobilisation


1.King Birendra was killed in(а) 2005
2. King Gyanendra dismissed the parliament in(b) 2006
3. The popular movement in Nepal took place on(c) 2006
4. The socialist party in Bolivia came to power on(d) 1987
5. Kittiko-Hachchiko started on(e) 2001


1.King Birendra was killed in(e) 2001
2. King Gyanendra dismissed the parliament in(а) 2005
3. The popular movement in Nepal took place on(b) 2006
4. The socialist party in Bolivia came to power on(c) 2006
5. Kittiko-Hachchiko started on(d) 1987

Fill in the blanks

1. The ……………………… immediately increased the price of water by four times.


Answer: company

2. The contract with the MNC was cancelled and water supply was restored to the municipality at old rates ……………………… .


Answer: MNC

3. The protest against water privatisation in Bolivia was led by an organisation called ……………………… .



4. In 2006, the ……………………… party came to power in Bolivia.


Answer: socialist

5. ……………………… groups are organisations that attempt to influence government policies.


Answer: pressure

6. The struggle in ……………………… was called a movement for democracy.


Answer: Nepal

7. ……………………… groups seek to promote the interests of a particular section.


Answer: interest

8. The principal concern of the interest groups is the betterment and well-being of their members, not ……………………… in general.


Answer: society

9. Promotional groups promote ……………………… rather than selective good.


Answer: collective

10. BAMCEF is largely made up of government employees that campaign against ……………………… discrimination.


Answer: caste

11. ……………………… movements seek to achieve a broad goal in the very long term.


Answer: generic

12. Pressure groups organise protest activity like ……………………… or disrupting government programmes.


Answer: strikes

13. ……………………… groups often employ professional lobbyists or sponsor expensive advertisements.


Answer: business

14. The relationship between parties and interest or movement groups is not so ………………………


Answer: direct

15. ……………………… interest groups play a valuable role.


Answer: sectional.

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