MCQ Questions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy with Answers

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Challenges to Democracy Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 10 Exams can download MCQ on Challenges to Democracy Class 10 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 10 SST Civics Chapter 8 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
Any legal change must carefully look at what results:
(а) It will have on politics
(b) It will have on the population
(c) It will have on the government
(d) It will have on the


Answer: (а) It will have on politics
Any legal change must carefully look at what results it will have on politics.

Question 2.
Laws that give political activists incentives to do good things have:
(a) More chances of working
(b) Proved negative
(c) Proved positive
(d ) None of the above


Answer: (a) More chances of working
Laws that give political activists incentives to do good things have more chances of working.

Question 3.
Democratic reforms are to be brought about principally through:
(a) Economic practice
(b) Regional practice
(c) Political practice
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Political practice
Democratic reforms can be brought about through political practice.

Question 4.
In a democracy:
(а) Rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions
(b) Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the correct rulers.
(c) Choice and opportunity should be available to all the people on an equal basis
(d) All the above factors


Answer: (d) All the above factors
All the above are factors of democracy.

Question 5.
At least of the globe is still not under democratic government?
(a) Half
(b) One-fourth
(c) One-third
(d) Two-third


Answer: (b) One-fourth
At least one-fourth of the globe is still not under democratic government.

Question 6.
Most of the established democracies face the:
(a) Foundation challenge
(b) Challenges of expansion
(c) Challenge of deepening
(d) All the above


Answer: (b) Challenges of expansion
Most of the established democracies face the challenge of expansion.

Question 7.
Challenge of expansion is witnessed in:
(а) India and US
(b) India and Pakistan
(c) US and Pakistan
(d) Pakistan and Bangladesh


Answer: (а) India and US
Challenge of expansion is witnessed in India and US.

Question 8.
Deepening of Democracy involves:
(a) Strengthening the foundation of democracy
(b) Challenges of expansion
(c) Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy
Deepening of democracy involves strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy.

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. Democracy does not have a challenger, but that does not mean that it does not face any challenges.


Answer: True

2. A challenge is a difficulty that carries within it an opportunity for progress.


Answer: True

3. Different countries face the same kind of challenges.


Answer: False

4. At least one-third of the globe is still not under democratic government.


Answer: False

5. Most of the established democracies face the challenge of expansion.


Answer: True

6. Challenge of expansion involves applying the basic principle of democratic government across all regions, different social groups and various institutions.


Answer: True

7. Deepening of democracy involves strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy.


Answer: True

8. Ordinary people do not have different expectations from democracy in different societies.


Answer: False

9. The challenge of deepening of democracy takes same meanings and paths in different parts of the world.


Answer: False

10. Deepening of democracy means strengthening those institutions that help people’s participation and control.


Answer: True

11. All the challenges are linked to the possibility of reforms.


Answer: True

12. All suggestions or proposals about over coming various challenges to democracy are called democracy reform or ‘political reform’.


Answer: True

13. The real challenge of reform always lies at the national level.


Answer: False

14. Law does not have an important role to play in political reform.


Answer: False

15. Carefully devised changes in law can help to discourage wrong political practices and encourage good ones.


Answer: True

16. Legal-constitutional changes by themselves can overcome challenges to democracy.


Answer: False

17. Democratic reforms should be carried out mainly by political activists, parties, movements and politically conscious citizens.


Answer: True

18. Any legal change must carefully look at what results it will have on the economic field.


Answer: False

19. Many states have banned people who have more than two children from contesting panchayat elections.


Answer: True

20. Laws that seek to ban something are not very successful in politics.


Answer: True

Match the following


1. In democracy, rulers elected by the people(a) to the people to change the (A) major decisions
2. Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity(b) principally(B) current rulers
3. Choice and opportunity should be available to(c) in political(C) reforms
4. Democratic reforms are to be brought about(d) must take all the(D) through political practice
5. Law plays an important role(e) all the people on an equal(E) basis


1. In democracy, rulers elected by the people(d) must take all the(A) major decisions
2. Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity(a) to the people to change the(B) current rulers
3. Choice and opportunity should be available to(e) all the people on an equal(E) basis
4. Democratic reforms are to be brought about(b) principally(D) through political practice
5. Law plays an important role(c) in political(C) reforms

Fill in the blanks

1. At least one fourth of the globe is still not under ……………………… government.


Answer: democratic

2. Most of the established democracies face the challenge of ……………………… .


Answer: expansion

3. ……………………… and other democracies like the US face the challenge of expansion.


Answer: India

4. ……………………… of democracy is faced by every democracy in one form or another.


Answer: Deepening

5. Ordinary people have different expectations from democracy in different ……………………… .


Answer: societies

6. Challenges is linked to the possibility of ……………………… .


Answer: reforms

7. ……………………… has an important role to play in political reform.


Answer: Law

8. Legal-constitutional changes by themselves cannot over come challenges to ……………………… .


Answer: democracy

9. Any legal change must carefully look at what results it will have on ……………………… .


Answer: Politics

10. Democratic reforms are to be brought about principally through ……………………… practice.


Answer: political

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