MCQ Questions for Class 7 History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans with Answers

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The Delhi Sultans Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 7 Exams can download MCQ on The Delhi Sultans Class 7 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 7 History Chapter 3 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 7 SST History Chapter 3 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
Rudramadevi ruled Kakatiya dynasty from:
(a) 1262 to 1289
(b) 1130-1145
(c) 1165-1192
(d) 1414-1451


Answer: (a) 1262 to 1289

Question 2.
The Delhi Sultans were dependent upon:
(a) Trade, tribute or plunder for supplies
(b) Taxes from tourists
(c) Taxes from Artisans
(d) None


Answer: (a) Trade, tribute or plunder for supplies

Question 3.
Name of the first mosque built by Sultans in Delhi is:
(a) JamaMasjid
(b) Moth ki Masjid
(c) Quwwat al-Islam
(d) Jamali Kamali Masjid


Answer: (c) Quwwat al-Islam

Question 4.
Who built the mosque Quwwat al-Islam?
(a) Ghiyasuddin Balban
(b) Iltutmish
(c) Raziyya Sultan
(d) Alauddin Khalji


Answer: (b) Iltutmish

Question 5.
Which mosque is “Sanctuary of the World”?
(a) Begumpuri Mosque
(b) Moth Mosque
(c) Neeli Mosque
(d) Jamali Kamali Mosque


Answer: (a) Begumpuri Mosque

Question 6.
Ziyauddin Barani was:
(a) An archaeologist;
(b) A warrior;
(c) Sultan
(d) A Muslim political thinker of the Delhi Sultanate


Answer: (d) A Muslim political thinker of the Delhi Sultanate

Question 7.
Ibn Battuta belonged from:
(a) Iran
(b) Morocco
(c) Afghanistan
(d) China


Answer: (b) Morocco

Question 8.
Sher Shah Suri started his career as:
(a) Accountant
(b) Soldier
(c) Manager
(d) Traveller


Answer: (c) Manager

Question 9.
Ghiyasuddin Balban was Sultan of dynasty:
(a) Khalji
(b) Tughluq
(c) Sayyid
(d) Turkish


Answer: (b) Tughluq

Question 10.
A Garrison town is:
(а) A fortified settlement, with soldiers
(b) A settlement of peasants
(c) A settlement of ruler
(d) A settlement of town where special river was carried


Answer: (а) A fortified settlement, with soldiers

Question 11.
What was the duty of the muqtis?
(a) To lead rulers
(b) To lead military campaigns
(c) To lead country
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) To lead military campaigns
The duty of the muqtis was to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their iqtas.

Question 12.
Kharaj was a type of tax imposed on what?
(a) Houses
(b) Trade
(c) Cattle
(d) Cultivation


Answer: (d) Cultivation
Kharaj was a type of tax imposed on cultivation and amounting to about 50per cent of the peasant’s produce.

Question 13.
Who introduced token currency?
(a) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
(b) Alauddin Khalji
(c) Raziyya
(d) Khizr Khan


Answer: (a) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
Muhammad Tughluq paid his soldiers cash salaries. But instead of controlling prices, he used token currency, somewhat like present-day paper currency, but made out of cheap metals, not gold and silver.

Question 14.
What is the direction that the Muslims face during prayer?
(a) Khutba
(b) Ulema
(c) Kharaj
(d) Qibla


Answer: (d) Qibla
During prayer, Muslims stand facing Mecc(a) In India this is to the west. This is called the qibl(a)

Question 15.
What is fortified settlement of soldiers is known as?
(a) Hinterland
(b) Garrison town
(c) The Masjid
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Garrison town
Garrison town is a fortified settlement with soldiers.

Question 16.
What were Garrison towns?
(a) Fortified settlements with soldiers
(b) Fortified settlements with rulers
(c) Fortified settlement with Persian
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Fortified settlements with soldiers
Garrison towns were fortified settlements with soldiers.

Question 17.
Name the mosque built in the reign of Sikandar Lodi?
(a) Moti ki masjid
(b) Begumpuri Mosque
(c) Jama masjid
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Moti ki masjid
Begumpuri Mosque built in the reign of Muhammad Tuglaq and Moth ki Masjid built in the reign of Sikandar Lodi.

Question 18.
Name the mosque built in the reign of Muhammad Tugluq?
(a) Moti ki masjid
(b) Begumpuri Mosque
(c) Jama masjid
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Begumpuri Mosque
Begumpuri Mosque built in the reign of Muhammad Tuglaq and Moth ki Masjid built in the reign of Sikandar Lodi.

Question 19.
Why was Raziyya removed from the throne?
(a) Raziyya was not qualified
(b) Raziyya was under age
(c) Raziyya was women
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Raziyya was women
Though Raziyya was more able and qualified than her brothers but being a woman ruler she was not favoured by anyone and finally dethroned in 1240.

Question 20.
Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?
(a) Tomara Rajputs
(b) Angpal
(c) Patwari
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Tomara Rajputs
The Tomara Rajputs were the first rulers who established their capital at Delhi.

Match the following


Column IColumn II
1. Ananga Pala(a) 1451-1489
2. Jalaluddin Khalji(b) 1351-1388
3. Bahlul Lodi(c) 1414-1421
4. Firuz Shah Tughluq(d) 1290-1296
5. Raziyya(e) 1130-1145
6. Khizr Khan(f) 1236-1240


Column IColumn II
1. Ananga Pala(e) 1130-1145
2. Jalaluddin Khalji(d) 1290-1296
3. Bahlul Lodi(a) 1451-1489
4. Firuz Shah Tughluq(b) 1351-1388
5. Raziyya(f) 1236-1240
6. Khizr Khan(c) 1414-1421

Fill in the blanks

1. Many rich Jaina merchants lived in the city and constructed several ……………. .


Answer: temples

2. The Delhi Sultans built many ……………. in the area.


Answer: cities

3. ……………. was queen of Kakatiya dynasty of Warangal.


Answer: Rudramadevi

4. Rudramadevi changed her name and pretended she was a ……………. .


Answer: man

5. Controlling garrison towns (army towns) in distance from Delhi was ……………. .


Answer: extremely difficult

6. The consolidation of Delhi Sultanate needed reliable ……………. and …………….


Answer: governors and administrators

7. Raziyya Sultan was daughter of ……………. .


Answer: Shamsuddin Iltutmish

8. Khizr Khan was from ……………. dynasty.


Answer: Sayyid

9. Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the ……………. dynasty.


Answer: Tomara

10. Iqtadar was also known as ……………. .


Answer: muqti

Map Skills

1. Show the campaign of Alauddin Khalji’s into south India.


MCQ Questions for Class 7 History Chapter 3

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