MCQ Questions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 Agriculture with Answers

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Agriculture Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 8 Exams can download MCQ on Agriculture Class 8 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 8 SST Geography Chapter 4 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
Commercial rearing of silk worms is known as
(a) pisciculture
(b) viticulture
(c) horticulture
(d) sericulture


Answer: (d) sericulture

Question 2.
What per cent of persons are engaged in agricultural activity in the world?
(a) 75%
(b) 85%
(c) 65%
(d) 50%


Answer: (d) 50%

Question 3.
Shifting cultivation is also known as Milpa in which part of the world.
(a) North East India
(b) Mexico
(c) Brazil
(d) Malaysia


Answer: (b) Mexico

Question 4.
In which type of farming is the land used for growing food and fodder crops and rearing livestock?
(a) Subsistence farming
(b) Intensive farming
(c) Mixed farming
(d) Commercial farming


Answer: (c) Mixed farming

Question 5.
……………………… is a type of commercial farming where single crop of tea, coffee, sugarcane etc are grown.
(a) Plantation
(b) Cultivation
(c) Agriculture
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Plantation

Question 6.
Which one of the following is known as paddy crop?
(a) Millets
(b) Wheat
(c) Rice
(d) Flax


Answer: (c) Rice
Rice is the major food crop of the world. It is also known as paddy crop. It is the staple diet of the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Rice needs high temperature, high humidity and rainfall.

Question 7.
What is another name of shifting agriculture in Mexico?
(a) Ladang
(b) Milpa
(c) Jhumming
(d) Roca


Answer: (b) Milpa
Shifting cultivation is known by different names in different parts of the world. Jhumming in North-East India, Milpa in Mexico Roca in Brazil and Ladang in Malaysia.

Question 8.
Which agriculture is referred as Slash and Burn agriculture?
(a) Intensive farming
(b) Shifting agriculture
(c) Primitive farming
(d) Plantation agriculture


Answer: (b) Shifting agriculture
Shifting cultivation is practiced in the thickly forested areas of Amazon basin, tropical Africa, parts of Southeast Asia and Northeast India. These are the areas of heavy rainfall and quick regeneration of vegetation.

Question 9.
Who is the Leading producer of coffee?
(a) Brazil
(b) India
(c) Russia
(d) America


Answer: (a) Brazil
Brazil is the leading producer followed by Columbia and India. Coffee requires warm and wet climate and well drained loamy soil.

Question 10.
What do you mean by Horticulture?
(a) Growing fruits, flowers and vegetables.
(b) Growing of wheat
(c) Primitive farming.
(d) All of these


Answer: (a) Growing fruits, flowers and vegetables.
Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use is known as horticulture.

Question 11.
Where does the word ‘agriculture’ originated from?
(a) Latin term Agri means soil
(b) Latin term culture means cultivation
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both a and b
The word agriculture originated from the Latin term ‘agri’ meaning soil and ‘culture’ meaning cultivation. Thus, the term means cultivation of soil.

Question 12.
What are tertiary activities?
(a) Provide support to only primary activities
(b) Provide support to primary and secondary activities
(c) Provide support to only secondary activities
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Provide support to primary and secondary activities
These are the economic activities that provide services to the consumers by providing support to primary and secondary sectors.

Question 13.
What is the science of commercial rearing of silk worms called?
(a) Horticulture
(b) Viticulture
(c) Sericulture
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Sericulture
Commercial rearing of silkworms is called sericulture. It may supplement the income of the farmer.

Question 14.
What is horticulture?
(a) Growing of vegetables
(b) Growing of flowers
(c) Growing of fruits
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above
Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use is known as horticulture.

Question 15.
Why is different crops grown in different regions of our country?
(a) Different climate condition
(b) Different terrain
(c) Different soil type
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above
Our country has different climatic conditions, terrain and different of soil types in different areas and therefore different crops are grown in various regions of India.

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. Cotton requires high temperature, light rainfall.


Answer: True

2. Agricultural development refers to efforts made to decrease farm production.


Answer: False

3. Munna Lai is a small farmer who belongs Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh.


Answer: True

4. Rice is the major food crop of the world.


Answer: True

5. Subsistence farming is a type of farming in which crops are grown and animals are reared for sale in market.


Answer: False

Match the following


1. Commercial grain farming(a) No genetic modification is done.
2. Organic farming(b) Brazil
3. Horticulture(c) Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
4. Viticulture(d) Crops are grown for commercial purpose.
5. Roca(e) Cultivation of grapes.


1. Commercial grain farming(d) Crops are grown for commercial purpose.
2. Organic farming(a) No genetic modification is done.
3. Horticulture(c) Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
4. Viticulture(e) Cultivation of grapes.
5. Roca(b) Brazil

Fill in the blanks

1. ……………………… of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds is termed as Pisciculture.


Answer: Breeding

2. Cultivation of grapes is termed as ……………………… .


Answer: viticulture

3. In ……………………… farming crops are grown and animals are reared for sale in market.


Answer: commercial

4. Tea is a ……………………… crop grown on plantations.


Answer: beverage

5. Maize is also known as ……………………… .


Answer: corn

Picture Based Questions

MCQ Questions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 4
(i) What is shown in the above figure?
(ii) Which method is used in the picture for the purpose of ploughing?


(i) Farmers ploughing a field is shown.
(ii) Traditional method is used.

MCQ Questions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 4
(i) What type of plantation is shown in the above picture?
(ii) Who had discovered these plants.


(i) Coffee plantation.
(ii) Kaldi, an Arab goat – herder, had discovered the coffee plant.

Map Skills

On an outline Map of World mark the following countries where Maize is grown:
(i) North America (ii) Brazil (iii) China (iv) Russia (v) Canada (vi) India (vii) Mexico


MCQ Questions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 4

2. Mark the countries where cotton is grown suitably on the outline Map of World.
(i) China (ii) USA (iii) India (iv) Pakistan (v) Brazil (vi) Egypt


MCQ Questions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 4

3. Mark the countries on an outline Map of World showing major plantations found in the tropical regions of the world.
(i) Rubber in Malaysia (ii) Coffee in Brazil (iii) Tea in India


MCQ Questions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 4

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