MCQ Questions for Class 9 Disaster Management Chapter 3 Introduction to Disaster Risk Management with Answers

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Introduction to Disaster Risk Management Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 9 Exams can download MCQ on Introduction to Disaster Risk Management Class 9 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 9 Disaster Management Chapter 3 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 9 SST Disaster Management Chapter 3 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
Countries like India and Iran suffer greater losses due to earthquakes in comparison to USA or Japan due to which of the following reasons:
(a) high population
(b) low literacy
(c) no awareness
(d) Socio-economic vulnerabilities.


Answer: (d) Socio-economic vulnerabilities.

Question 2.
Which one of the following is not a component of Risk Management.
(a) risk identification
(b) risk reduction
(c) risk transfer
(d) risk mitigation


Answer: (d) risk mitigation

Question 3.
Public awareness is necessary to ensure which of the following
(a) public participation in community preparedness programs
(b) planning and analysis of structural measures
(c) locating the building in a safe place
(d) design and proper detailing of structural components.


Answer: (a) public participation in community preparedness programs

Question 4.
Between 1992 and 2001, how many people were killed on an average due to natural hazards.
(a) 62,000
(b) 60,000
(c) 61,000
(d) 63,000


Answer: (b) 60,000

Question 5.
Bhuj, in Gujarat was struck by an earthquake in which of the following years:
(a) 2000
(b) 2002
(c) 2001
(d) 2003


Answer: (c) 2001

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. Risk transfer refers to ensure that losses from disasters are compensated.


Answer: True

2. Stringent building code can reduce collapse of a building due to flood.


Answer: False

3. Mitigation involves structural and non-structural measures to limit the impact of natural hazards.


Answer: True

4. Disaster resistant construction is achieved through construction with suitable material.


Answer: True

5. Disaster Management Committees are set up only at national level.


Answer: False

6. The municipalities can prevent disaster impact by conducting selected mitigation activities before a disaster strikes.


Answer: True

7. In a developing country, privati insurance sector is a major contribution for funding of reconstruction after; natural disaster.


Answer: False

8. In developed countries, it is the government and the individual who take up the major burden of the cost of disaster.


Answer: False

9. The Government of India is developing tools to assist the very poor.


Answer: True

10. Local masons should be training in disaster resistant construction techniques.


Answer: True

Match the following


Column AColumn B
1. Non-engineered structures(a) Govt, grants or subsidies
2. Legal framework(b) Awareness of effective mitigation measures
3. Land-use planning(c) Construction by owners using local masons.
4. Incentives and financial framework(d) More applicable to man-made and technological disasters.
5. Training and Education(e) Building codes for built structures.
6. Public awai’eness(f) Controlling of human activities in hazard prone areas.
7. Prevention(g) Awareness and know how to govern­ment official involved in disaster


Column AColumn B
1. Non-engineered structures(c) Construction by owners using local masons.
2. Legal framework(e) Building codes for built structures.
3. Land-use planning(f) Controlling of human activities in hazard prone areas.
4. Incentives and financial framework(a) Govt, grants or subsidies
5. Training and Education(g) Awareness and know how to govern­ment official involved in disaster
6. Public awai’eness(b) Awareness of effective mitigation measures
7. Prevention(d) More applicable to man-made and technological disasters.

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