MCQ Questions for Class 9 History Chapter 7 History and Sport: The Story of Cricket with Answers

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History and Sport: The Story of Cricket Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 9 Exams can download MCQ on History and Sport: The Story of Cricket Class 9 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 9 History Chapter 7 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 9 SST History Chapter 7 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
When were first written Law of Cricket drawn?
(a) In 1754
(b) 1764
(c) In 1744
(d) 1756


Answer: (c) In 1744
The first written Law of Cricket was drawn in 1744.

Question 2.
In which year cricket was changed forever?
(a) In 1977
(b) In 1977
(c) In 1987
(d) In 1783


Answer: (a) In 1977
In 1977 cricket was changed forever.

Question 3.
When was six seem ball created?
(a) In 1980
(b) In 1880
(c) In 1780
(d) In 1680


Answer: (c) In 1780
In 1780 six seem ball was created.

Question 4.
Who led the professional team in 1930’s?
(a) Len Hutten
(b) W.C. Grace
(c) David Hutton
(d) David Gover


Answer: (a) Len Hutten
Len Hutten led the professional team in 1930’s.

Question 5.
The word cockade refers to:
(a) type of fur
(b) type of cricket ball
(c) type of the bat used by batsman
(d) cap usually worn on one side


Answer: (d) cap usually worn on one side
The word cockade refers to the cap usually worm on one side.

Question 6.
What is the full from of ICC?
(a) International Cricket Council
(b) International Cricket Co-operative Nation
(c) International Cricket Confeder-ation
(d) Imperial Cricket Council


Answer: (a) International Cricket Council
The full form of ICC is International Cricket Council.

Question 7.
Which was the first Indian Community to play cricket?
(a) Parsies
(b) Zoroiastrian
(c) Trader and businessmen
(d) Social weaker section of the society


Answer: (b) Zoroiastrian
Zoroastrian were the first Indian Community to play cricket.

Question 8.
Where was cricket invented?
(a) In England
(b) In Australia
(c) In West Indies
(d) In South Africa


Answer: (a) In England
Cricket was first invented in England.

Question 9.
First cricket club formed in 1760’s in
(a) Melbourne
(b) Lords
(c) Manchester
(d) Hambledon


Answer: (d) Hambledon
In Hambledon was the first cricket club formed in 1760’s.

Question 10.
When was cricket invented?
(a) In early 19th century
(b) In early 17th century
(c) In early 16th century
(d) In mid of the 17th century


Answer: (c) In early 16th century
Cricket was invented in the early 16th century.

Question 11.
Amatures stand for:
(a) Reserve players
(b) Rich people who could afford to play cricket
(c) Rich people who have no time to play cricket
(d) Poor people who could play cricket


Answer: (b) Rich people who could afford to play cricket
Rich people who could afford to play cricket were called amateurs.

Question 12.
Who are professional in cricket?
(a) Those who play cricket for enjoyment.
(b) Those who play cricket for time pass.
(c) Those who play cricket for living.
(d) Those who play cricket as a hobby.


Answer: (c) Those who play cricket for living.
Professional in cricket are those people who play cricket for living.

Question 13.
Where was India’s first cricket club established?
(a) In Mumbai
(b) In Calcutta (Kolkatta)
(c) In Madras (Chennai)
(d) In Delhi at Feroze Shah Kotla


Answer: (b) In Calcutta (Kolkatta)
In Calcutta (Kolkatta), India’s first cricket club was established.

Question 14.
What is the specified length of the pitch?
(a) 22 yards
(b) 22 feet
(c) 22 metres
(d) 80 feet


Answer: (a) 22 yards
The specified length of the pitch is 22 yards.

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. The word ‘bat’ is an old English world that means stick or club.


Answer: True

2. One of the peculiarities of Test Cricket is that a match can go for 6 days and still end in a draw.


Answer: False

3. The length of the pitch is specified 22 metres but the size and shape of the ground is not.


Answer: False

4. Cricket was the earliest modern team sports to be codified.


Answer: True

5. The first written ‘Laws of Cricket’ ever drawn up in 1746.


Answer: False

6. The stumps must he 22 inches high and the bail across them six inches.


Answer: True

7. The cricket ball must be between 6 and 7 ounces.


Answer: False

8. The two sets of stumps must be 22 metres apart.


Answer: False

9. The world’s first cricket club was formed in Hambledon in the 1760s.


Answer: True

10. The Marylebone Cricket Club was founded in 1788.


Answer: False

11. During the 1760s and 1770s, it became common to pitch the ball through the air, rather than roll it along the ground.


Answer: True

12. The weight of the ball was limited between 6\(\frac{1}{2}\) to 7\(\frac{1}{2}\) ounces, and the width of the bat to four inches.


Answer: False

13. Cricket’s connection with an urban past can be seen in the length of a Test Match.


Answer: False

14. Cricket’s vagueness about the size of a cricket ground is a result of its village origins.


Answer: True

15. The invention of vulcanised rubber led to the introduction of pads in 1848.


Answer: True

16. The organisation of cricket in England reflected the nation of English society.


Answer: True

17. The gram of cricket was not seasonal and it offered employment the year around.


Answer: False

18. The society superiority of amateurs was built into the curtain of cricket


Answer: True

19. Amateurs were even called holymen while professionals were called players.


Answer: False

20. Thomas Hughes studied at Rugby School during the headmastership of Thomas Arnold.


Answer: True

Match the following


Column AColumn B
(a) W.G. Grace1. an Australian Cricketer
(b) Dennis Lillee2. introduced in 1848
(c) Vulcanised rubber3. Bombay
(d) Amateures were called4. a legendary batsman
(e) Oriental Cricket Club5. gentleman.


Column AColumn B
(a) W.G. Grace4. a legendary batsman
(b) Dennis Lillee1. an Australian Cricketer
(c) Vulcanised rubber2. introduced in 1848
(d) Amateures were called5. gentleman.
(e) Oriental Cricket Club3. Bombay

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