MCQ Questions for Class 9 History Chapter 8 Clothing: A Social History with Answers

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Clothing: A Social History Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 9 Exams can download MCQ on Clothing: A Social History Class 9 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 9 History Chapter 8 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 9 SST History Chapter 8 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
Name the English poet who described his ideal woman, as he said she was like a milk white lambs that bleats for man’s protection.
(a) Shakespears
(b) John Keat
(c) Jane Austenx
(d)William Goldsmith


Answer: (b) John Keat
John Keat.

Question 2.
What is Chintz?
(a) A type of cotton cloth
(b) A type of silk
(c) Saree worn by women
(d) Cotton cloth printed with design and flowers


Answer: (a) A type of cotton cloth
Chintz was a type of cotton cloth.

Question 3.
By 1917 how many women in Britain were employed in ammunition factories?
(a) About 70,000
(b) About 80,000
(c) About 75,000
(d) About 77,000


Answer: (a) About 70,000
About 70,000 women in Britain were employed in ammunition factories by 1917.

Question 4.
What are the arguments of conservation dress (Arrange in their argument is sequence)?
(i) They lamented that women who gave up their traditional norm of dress. (ii) They no longer look beautiful. (iii) They lost their feministy and grace
(a) (i) is correct
(b) (ii) is correct
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(d) Only (iii) is correct


Answer: (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
They are in correct sequence.

Question 5.
Who was Janandanamandini Devi?
(i) She was the wife of Satyender Nath (ii) Her husband was first ICS (iii) She was a Social Reformer (iv) She introduced new style of traditional Hindu dress
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)


Answer: (b) (i) and (ii)
She was the wife of Satyender Nath who was the first ICS.

Question 6.
What symbolize about of the dress pattern of Gandhiji?
(a) British mill made clothes
(b) Khadi (hand woven)
(c) Chintz
(d) Silk


Answer: (b) Khadi (hand woven)
Gandhiji preferred Khadi (hand woven) cloth.

Question 7.
What is referred to as cockade?
(a) A cap
(b) A hat
(c) A shirt
(d) A pent-coat piece


Answer: (a) A cap
Cockade refers to a cap.

Question 8.
When was rational dress societies started in England?
(a) In 1880
(b) In 1881
(c) In 1885
(d) In 1857


Answer: (b) In 1881
In 1881 National dress societies were started in England.

Question 9.
What does western clothes represent?
(i) Modernity (ii) Revolution (iii) Progress (iv) Backwardness
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)


Answer: (c) (i) and (iii)
Western clothes represent modernity and progress.

Question 10.
Which is the royal material in France?
(i) Silk (ii) Ermine (iii) Velvet (iv) Brocade
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)


Answer: (d) All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
All the above were considered royal materials in France.

Question 11.
How did most of the people dress before the age of democratic revolutionaries and the development of capitalist market in the 18th century Europe?
(a) They dressed in traditional style
(b) They wore cotton and hand made clothes.
(c) They wore readymade clothes
(d) They dressed according to regional code


Answer: (d) They dressed according to regional code
Before the age of democratic revolutionaries and the development of capitalist market in the 18th century European people dressed according to regional code.

Question 12.
The French Revolution swept away exiting dress code known as the:
(a) Sumputary law
(b) Dress code
(c) Law of conduct
(d) Law of dressing design


Answer: (a) Sumputary law
The French Revolution swept away existing dress code known as the Sumptuary law.

Question 13.
Who was Thomas Gainsborough?
(a) A well known dress designer of England
(b) A well known social worker
(c) A well known religious reformer
(d) A well known artist of England.


Answer: (d) A well known artist of England.
Thomas Gainsborough was a well known artist of England.

Question 14.
The Suffarge movement demanded
(a) Equal right for women
(b) Right to equality for women
(c) The right to vote for women
(d) Equal access to property


Answer: (c) The right to vote for women
The Suffarge Movement was actually started by the women for be given the right to vote.

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. From 1294 to the time of the French Revolution in 1789, the people of Britain were expected to follow the ‘Sumptuary laws’.


Answer: False

2. Sans culottes literally meant those ‘without knee benches’.


Answer: True

3. Styles of clothing did not emphasise differences between men and women.


Answer: False

4. Many women in France believed in the idea of womanhood.


Answer: True

5. Suffrage means the right to vote for women and children.


Answer: False

6. Corsets were used by women to hold up the weakened spine.


Answer: True

7. Mary Somerville was one of the first woman mathematician.


Answer: True

8. Busk was a strip of wood in front of the corset to stiffen and support it.


Answer: True

9. Many European woman did not stop wearing jewellery and luxurious clothes.


Answer: False

10. By the twentieth century, a plain and austere style came to reflect seriousness and professionalism.


Answer: True

Match the following


Column AColumn B
(a) Cockade(A) Type of fur
(b) Ermine(B) A strip of wood
(c) Busk(C) A type of dress support
(d) Stays(D) The right to vote for woman
(e) Suffrage(E) A cap


Column AColumn B
(a) Cockade(E) A cap
(b) Ermine(A) Type of fur
(c) Busk(B) A strip of wood
(d) Stays(C) A type of dress support
(e) Suffrage(D) The right to vote for woman

Fill in the blanks

1. Changes in women’s ……………. came about as a result of the two World Wars.


Answer: clothing

2. By the twentieth century, a plain and ……………. style came to reflect seriousness and professionalism.


Answer: Austure

3. Many ……………. bureaucrats in the late nineteenth century began stocking western-style clothes for work.


Answer: Bengali

4. Maneckjee Cowasjee Entee, an ……………. in the Surat fouzdaree. Adawlut, refused to take off his shoes in the court of the sessions judge.


Answer: Assessor

5. It took may years before ……………. were permitted into the courtroom.


Answer: shoes

6. Jnanadamandini Devi adopted the ……………. style of evening the sari pinned to the left shoulder.


Answer: Parsi

7. In ……………. Lord Curzon decided to partition Bengal to control the growing opposition to British rule.


Answer: 1905

8. Mahatma Gandhi wore a short ……………. without a shirt when he want to England for the Round Table Conference in 1961.


Answer: dhoti

9. Nationalists such as ……………. gave up his expensive western-style suits and adjusted Indian dhoti and kurta.


Answer: Motilal Nehru

10. Women like, Sarojini Naidu and ……………. wore coloured sarees with design, instead of coarse, white home spun.


Answer: Kamala Nehru

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