NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry in Hindi Medium and English Medium | CBSE 12th Class Chemistry Book Solutions

NCERT Solutions of Class 12 Chemistry help students to learn complex topics too with ease. All the NCERT Book Solutions for 12th Class Chemistry given in a systematic manner make it easy for you to grasp the concepts as well as retain them for a long time. Chemistry Class 12th NCERT Solutions are given after extensive research keeping in mind the Latest CBSE Syllabus Guidelines. You can use any of our online or offline NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry and prepare accordingly.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry in Hindi Medium and English Medium (रसायन विज्ञान)

Students can access the chapterwise NCERT Solutions of Class 12th Chemistry through the quick links available. Just click on the respective chapter you wish to access and learn the topics within.

Class 12 Chemistry NCERT SolutionsClass 12 Chemistry NCERT Solutions in Hindi Medium
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 1 The Solid Stateठोस अवस्था
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 2 Solutionsविलयन
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 3 Electro Chemistryवैद्युत रसायन
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Kineticsरासायनिक बलगतिकी
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 5 Surface Chemistryपृष्ठ रसायन
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elementsतत्त्वों के निष्कर्षण के सिद्धान्त एवं प्रक्रम
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 7 The p Block Elementsp-ब्लॉक के तत्त्व
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 8 The d and f Block Elementsd-एवं f-ब्लॉक के तत्त्व
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 9 Coordination Compoundsउपसहसंयोजन यौगिक
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 10 Haloalkanes and Haloarenesहैलोऐल्केन तथा हैलोऐरीन
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols and Ethersऐल्कोहॉल, फीनॉल एवं ईथर
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 12 Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acidsऐल्डिहाइड, कीटोन एवं कार्बोक्सिलिक अम्ल
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 13 Aminesऐमीन
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 14 Biomoleculesजैव-अणु
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 15 Polymersबहुलक
Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday Lifeदैनिक जीवन में रसायन

Download NCERT Solutions Class 12 Chemistry PDF

NCERT Solutions of Class 12 Chemistry includes overall information on practical chemistry. Students can access the Chemistry NCERT Class 12 having a variety of topics in the 12th Class CBSE Syllabus all explained in a detailed way. Keep the Class 12th Chemistry NCERT Book Solutions free downloadable PDFs handy and clear all your doubts in no time.

Be prepared for your CBSE Board Exams by solving the questions from the NCERT Class 12th Chemistry Solutions on a frequent basis. You can get other preparation resources like MCQ Questions for Class 12 Chemistry with Answers, CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes, etc.

Class 12th NCERT Book Solutions Chapters Details

Have a glimpse of the Chemistry Class 12 Syllabus beforehand to be aware of the topics. They are explained here for your reference

Chapter 1 The Solid State

In this chapter, the Classification of solids based on different binding forces: molecular, ionic, covalent, and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea) are explained. In addition to the solids classification, you will become familiar with the Unit cell in two-dimensional and three-dimensional lattices, packing in solids, packing efficiency, calculation of density of unit cell, voids, point defects, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell.

Chapter 2 Solutions

Chapter 2 Solutions in Class 12 Chemistry deals with the topics like Types of solutions, the solubility of gases in liquids, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties – the relative lowering of vapour pressure. Furthermore, you will learn about Raoult’s law, the elevation of boiling point, osmotic pressure, depression of freezing point, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties.

Chapter 3 Electrochemistry

Ch 3 Electrochemistry includes concepts like Redox reactions, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, standard electrode potential, EMF of a cell, Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell. In addition to these, you will know about the conductance in electrolytic solutions, variations of conductivity with concentration, specific and molar conductivity, electrolysis, Kohlrausch’s Law.

Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics

Topics covered in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 include Rate of a reaction, factors affecting rate of reaction, catalyst, concentration, temperature. Furthermore, you will know the concepts like order and molecularity of a reaction, integrated rate equations and half-life, rate law and specific rate constant.

Chapter 5 Surface Chemistry

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 5 includes topics like physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, the distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspension.  Students will become acquainted with the concepts like lyophilic, lyophobic,  properties of colloids, multi-molecular and macromolecular colloids, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, Tyndall effect, coagulation.

Chapter 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

In this chapter concept of metallurgy is discussed, reactions of metal extraction, fundamental principles and developments that occur in this field. Know which is the most abundant metal on earth’s crust by weight. Know about the dressing of ore i.e. how to clean the ore by removing the particles such as clay, sand, etc.

Chapter 7 The p-Block Elements

Elements belonging to Groups 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 are known as p-block elements. Learn about the p-block elements history, their existence in three physical states like metal, non-metal, metalloids.

Chapter 8 The d- and f-Block Elements

Chapter 8 of Class 12 Chemistry has information on electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first-row transition metals. Apart from these, you will get an idea of concepts such as metallic character, ionization enthalpy, ionic radii, oxidation states, colour, catalytic property, interstitial compounds, magnetic properties, alloy formation, oxidation states and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences, Electronic configuration, etc.

Chapter 9 Coordination Compounds

In this chapter, you will know about the topics like Coordination compounds, Introduction, coordination number, ligands, magnetic properties and shapes, colour. Apart from these topics, you will get acquainted with topics like the IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds, Werner’s theory, Bonding, VBT, and CFT.

Chapter 10 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Get to know the Haloalkanes Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, nature of C–X bond, optical rotation mechanism of substitution reactions. Furthermore, you will know the Haloarenes: Nature of C–X bond, substitution reactions.

Chapter 11 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

In this Chapter 11, you will know the concepts like

Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of dehydration.
Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, acidic nature of phenol, physical and chemical properties, uses of phenols, electrophilic substitution reactions.
Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, uses, physical and chemical properties.

Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

In this Chapter 12 students will be familiar with topics like Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, the reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes, mechanism of nucleophilic addition, uses.
Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, acidic nature, physical and chemical properties, uses.

Chapter 13 Amines

Students can find the topics Amines: Nomenclature, structure, classification, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines, uses.

Chapter 14 Biomolecules

Chapter 14 deals with the concepts of Carbohydrates and their Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), D-L configuration Proteins, Elementary idea of amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, the structure of proteins, denaturation of proteins, Nucleic Acids and their Classification like DNA and RNA

Chapter 15 Polymers

Chapter 15 has topics monomer, polymer and polymerisation, classification of polymers based on the source, structure and polymerisation, different types of polymerisation such as addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation are explained thoroughly in this chapter.

Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life

Know how Principles of Chemistry have benefitted humans in a lot of ways. Know about drugs and their classification, therapeutic action of different classes of drugs, drug target interaction, chemicals in food and cleansing agents.

Benefits of accessing Class 12 Chemistry NCERT Solutions

Class 12th Chemistry NCERT Solutions has several benefits and they are as follows

  • In-depth explanations are provided for all the topics so that it’s easy for you to understand.
  • Concise and to-the-point answers provided help you to frame better answers for scoring well in exams.
  • Top Class Subject Experts have created the NCERT Solutions of Class 12th Chemistry.
  • Downloadable PDF Files make it easy for you to prepare both online and offline.
  • Tips & Tricks used while explaining the topics in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus help you remember the concepts efficiently.

CBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme for Academic Year 2021-22

CBSE Board divides the entire Class 12 Curriculum into 2 terms. We have outlined the unit-wise weightage for both terms so that you can prepare the important topics.

Term I CBSE Class 12 Syllabus Course Structure

Unit No.Name of UnitMarks
1Solid State10
3 p-Block Elements10
4Haloalkanes and Haloarenes15
5Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

Term II CBSE Class 12 Syllabus Course Structure

Unit No.Name of UnitMarks
2Chemical Kinetics
3Surface Chemistry
4d-and f-Block Elements9
5Coordination Compounds
6Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids13

FAQs on Class 12 Chemistry NCERT Book Solutions

1. Where do I get the Chapterwise NCERT Solutions of Class 12 Chemistry for free?

You can get the Chapterwise NCERT Solutions of Class 12 Chemistry for free on our page.

2. How to download the Class 12th Chemistry NCERT Solutions PDF?

You can download the Class 12th Chemistry NCERT Solutions PDF by simply tapping on the quick links available.

3. Does preparing from CBSE Class 12 NCERT Solutions for Chemistry Book help me score well?

Yes, preparing from CBSE Class 12 NCERT Solutions for Chemistry Book help me score well as they give you a glimpse of the concepts completely.


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