NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

These NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate Questions and Answers are prepared by our highly skilled subject experts to help students while preparing for their exams.

Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7

Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.
Temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind speed are the elements that determine the weather of a place.

Question 2.
When are the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day?
The temperature is minimum in the morning and maximum at the noon.

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The average weather taken over a long time is called …………………
(b) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the year. The climate of that place will be ………………… and …………………
(c) The two regions of the earth with extreme climatic conditions are …………………and …………………
(a) climate,
(b) hot and dry,
(c) polar region and desert

Question 4.
Indicate the type of climate of the following areas:
(a) Jammu and Kashmir: ___________
(b) Kerala: ___________
(c) Rajasthan: ___________
(d) North-east India: ___________
(a) Moderately hot and wet
(b) Hot and wet
(c) Hot and dry
(d) Hot and wet

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 5.
Which of the two changes frequently, weather or climate?

Question 6.
Following are some of the characteristics of animals:
(i) Diets heavy on fruits
(ii) White fur
(iii) Need to migrate
(iv) Loud voice
(v) Sticky pads on feet
(vi) Layer of fat under skin
(vii) Wide and large paws
(viii) Bright colours
(ix) Strong tails
(x) Long and large beak
For each characteristic indicate whether it is adaptation for tropical rainforests or polar regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics can be adapted for both regions?


Climate Region

Diets heavy on fruitsTropical rainforest
White furPolar region
Need to migratePolar region
Loud voiceTropical rainforest
Sticky pads on feetTropical rainforest
Layer of fat under skinPolar region
Wide and large pawsPolar region
Bright coloursTropical rainforest
Strong tailsTropical rainforest
Long and large beakTropical rainforest

Yes, some adaptations like loud voice, wide and large paws, strong tails, long and large beak, etc., can be adapted for both regions.

Question 7.
The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals. Explain why it is so.
Dense forest provides large amount and variety of food as well as large shelter. This supports a large population to survive in the rainforest.

Question 8.
Explain, with examples, why we find animals of certain kind living in particular climatic conditions.
Animals of certain kinds have adaptations for a particular climate because they possess some special features which help them to survive in that climate. Such special features are called adaptations. For examples:

  • Polar bear is able to survive in polar regions because of special adaptations like white fur, strong sense of smell, a layer of fat under the skin, wide and large paws for swimming and walking.
  • Monkeys are adapted to live in tropical rainforests. To help them live on trees, they have long tails for grasping branches. Their hands and feet are such that they can easily hold on to the branches.

Hence, if polar bear comes to tropical region, it will feel extreme heat and if monkey comes to polar region, it may die due to extreme cold. Therefore, certain animals live only in particular climatic conditions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 9.
How does the elephant living in the tropical rainforest adapt itself?
Elephants have well developed sense of smell. It helps the elephant in finding the food. The trunk has powerful muscles which help the elephant in uprooting even a big tree. Elephants have good sense of hearing which helps the elephant in sensing danger way in advance. An elephant uses its trunk to sprinkle water all over its body so that it can cool down its body temperature.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 1

Question 10.
A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in
(a) polar regions
(b) deserts
(c) oceans
(d) tropical rainforests
(d) tropical rainforests

Question 11.
Which features adapt polar bears to live in extremely cold climate?
(a) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.
(b) Thin skin, large eyes, a white fur.
(c) A long tail, strong claws, white large paws.
(d) White body, paws for swimming, gills for respiration.
(a) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 12.
Which option best describes a tropical region?
(a) Hot and humid
(b) Moderate temperature, heavy rainfall
(c) Cold and humid
(d) Hot and dry
(a) Hot and humid

Ncert Extended Learning Activities and Projects

Question 1.
Collect weather reports of seven successive days in the winter months (preferably December). Collect similar reports for the summer months (preferably June). Now prepare a table for sunrise and sunset times as shown:


Try to answer the following questions:
a. Is there any difference in the time of sunrise during summer and winter?
b. When do you find that the sun rises earlier?
c. Do you also find any difference in the time of sunset during the month of June and December?
d. When are the days longer?
e. When are the nights longer?
f. When are the days sometimes longer and sometimes shorter?
g. Plot the length of the day against the days chosen in June and December.
(Instructions for plotting graphs are given in chapter 13)
a. Yes, there is a difference in the time of sunrise during summer and winter as the days get longer in summer and shorter in winter.
b. The sun rises earlier in summer than in winter.
c. Yes, there is a difference in the time of sunset during summer and winter as the days get longer in summer and shorter in winter while the and night is longer in winter than in summer. So there is a difference in the time of sunset during the month of June and December.
d. Days are longer in summer (in the month of June).
e. Nights are longer in winter (in the month of December).
f. Days are longer in summer and shorter in winter because the earth spins on an axis that is tilted. The axis changes the position of the sun in the sky, making it appear for more or fewer hours, depending on the season and the latitude or distance from the equator.
g. Do it yourself.

Question 2.
Collect information about the Indian Meteorological Department. If possible, visit its website:
Write a brief report about the things this department does.
Meteorology focuses on the lower parts of the atmosphere, primarily the troposphere, where most weather conditions take place. Meteorologists use scientific principles to observe, explain and forecast our weather. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), also referred to as the Met Department, is an agency of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Government of India.

Functions of Meteorological department: It performs the study and observation of:

  • increase or decrease of air pressure in defined regions.
  • formation of clouds.
  • seismic changes that may cause earthquakes.
  • changes in the atmosphere that may cause storms, hurricanes, etc.
  • variation of the atmospheric temperature, humidity, wind velocity, etc.
  • time of sunrise and sunset, maximum and minimum temperature of the previous day.

On the basis of the study and the observations, they predict about things such as what would be the weather tomorrow, when monsoon is expected or when cyclone, hurricane, tornado, etc., are expected.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Activity 1

Objective: To locate polar regions and tropical rainforests on the world map.
Materials Required: A outline map of word and different colours.
Procedure: Mark polar regions and rainforest with different colours on the map.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 2
Adaptations of some animals of tropical rainforests are describe below:
i. Red-eyed frog: It has sticky pads on its feet to help it climb on trees on which it lives.
ii. Monkeys: They have long tails, for grasping the branches of trees on which they live. Their hands and feet help them in holding branches.
iii. Toucan: It possesses a long, large beak that helps to reach the fruits on branches that are too weak to bear its weight.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 3
iv. Lions and Tigers: They have thick skin, sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight and a skin colour to camouflage in the environment and protect them from predators.
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v. Lion-tailed Macaque (Beared Ape): It lives in western ghats. It has a silver-white mane which surrounds the head from the cheeks down to its chin. It is a good climber and lives on trees. It feeds of fruits, seeds, leaves, stems, flowers and buds. It also feeds on insects under tree bark and rarely comes down on the ground as it finds sufficient food on trees.
vi. Elephant: It uses its trunk as nose and hence, it has a strong sense of smell. Its tusks are modified teeth with which it can tear the bark of trees to eat. It has large ears that helps it to hear ever the softest sounds and keep cool in hot weather.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 5

  • Desert: Deserts have an extreme climate. These regions receive less rainfall and large amount of sunlight. Days are extremely hot and nights are cold.
  • Hibernation: Period of time when an animal goes into a deep sleep. They eat extra food and find great shelter in order to do this. During hibernation, breathing rate and heartbeat rate falls. This helps them in overcoming the harsh weather conditions.

Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate Additional Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define weather.
It is the day-to-day condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place.

Question 2.
Define climate.
The average weather condition of a place over a long period of time is called the climate of that place.

Question 3.
What is adaptation?
The presence of specific body features or certain habits which enable an animal or a plant to live and survive in a particular habitat is called adaptation.

Question 4.
What is humidity?
Humidity is a measure of the moisture content in the air.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 5.
Why do penguins huddle together?
Penguins huddle together to keep warm.

Question 6.
What is the climate of Jammu and Kashmir?
The climate of Jammu and Kashmir is moderately hot and wet.

Question 7.
How does the ability to camouflage help an animal?
Ability to camouflage helps an animal to protect it from the predators. As the animal gets blended with the background, it is not easily visible to its predators and prey.

Question 8.
What type of place experiences hot and dry climate?
The region that receives very little rainfall experiences hot and dry climate, such as desert.

Question 9.
Name some animals found in rainforests.
Animals found in rainforests are monkeys, apes, gorillas, tigers, elephants, leopards, lizards, snakes, birds, insects, etc.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 10.
Name some animals that migrate.
Birds, mammals, many types of fish, insects, etc., migrate seasonally in search of more hospitable climates.

Question 11.
Name some animals found in polar regions.
Polar bears, penguins, fishes, musk, oxen, reindeers, foxes, seals, whales and birds are found in polar region.

Question 12.
Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.
Temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, etc., are the elements that determine the weather of a place.

Question 13.
What are maximum and minimum thermometers?
Special thermometers used to record the maximum and minimum temperatures of the day are called maximum and minimum thermometers.

Question 14.
Write the names of two animals which live in Indian tropical rainforests.
Bears and elephants.

Question 15.
Name the instrument used to measure humidity.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is rain gauge?
Rainfall is measured by an instrument called the rain gauge. It is basically a measuring cylinder with a funnel on top to collect rainwater.

Question 2.
What are the characteristics of the polar regions?
The polar regions are present in an extreme climate. These regions are covered with snow and it is very cold for most part of the year. The sun does not set for six months and does not rise for other six months. In winter, the temperature can be as low as -37°C.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 3.
Name some countries where the tropical rainforests are found.
Examples of some countries where the tropical rainforests are found are India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Republic of Congo, Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria.

Question 4.
Write some of the adaptations of animals found in tropical rainforests.
Some adaptations of animals living in the tropical rainforests include living on the trees, development of strong tails, long and large beaks, bright colours, loud voice, diet of fruits, sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight, thick skin, ability to camouflage in order to protect themselves from predators, etc.

Question 5.
How do migratory birds find their way?
It seems that these birds have a built-in sense of direction and know in which direction to travel. Some birds probably use landmarks to guide them. Many birds may be guided by the sun during the day and stars at night. There is some evidence that birds may use the magnetic field of the earth to find directions.

Question 6.
How is weather a complex phenomenon?
The weather is a complex phenomenon as it can vary over very short periods of time. It can happen sometimes that it is sunny in the morning, but suddenly clouds appear from nowhere and it starts raining heavily. Or, a heavy rain may vanish in a matter of minutes and give way to bright sunshine. Since weather is such a complex phenomenon, it is not easy to predict.

Question 7.
What are the various body features which make penguin a good swimmer?
Their body is streamlined and their wings have become modified into flippers. They have webbed feet. These features help penguins in swimming.

Question 8.
Differentiate between weather and climate.

1. It is the day-to­day condition of atmosphere at a place.1. It is the average weather pattern of a place taken over a long time.
2. It can vary over very short periods of time.2. It does not vary in a short period of time and is mostly constant.
3. It cannot affect the adaptation of _ organisms.3. It affects the adaptations of organisms.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 9.
What is migration?
Migration refers to the movement of organisms from one place to another to escape the harsh, climatic conditions. There are many types of birds found in polar regions. They fly to the warm regions during winter to survive. Long distance travel in search of favourable climate is called migration.

Question 10.
How does the sun cause the changes in the weather?
Sun is a huge sphere of hot gases burning at a very high temperature. The distance of the sun from us is very large. Even then, the energy sent out by the sun is very large in amount. Hence, sun is the primary source of energy that causes changes in weather. Energy absorbed and reflected by the earth’s surface oceans and atmosphere play important roles in determining the weather at any place.

Question 11.
Why is it cooler farther away from the equator?
As we move forward towards the poles, the sun rays fall in a slanting angle on the land and have more and more areas to heat up. So, the heat is spread out over a larger area and it becomes colder and colder with increasing latitude. Hence, it is cooler farther away from the equator.
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Question 12.
How animals living in the cold places protect themselves from cold?
The animals which live in the cold places like whales, seals and penguins have thick skin which protects them from cold. They also have thick fur. They also have a deposit of fat layer called blubber under their skin which insulates their body from severe cold.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain weather and its elements.
The day-to-day conditions of atmosphere at a particular place is called weather. The weather can be comfortable or can be too hot too or cold. The various elements of weather are: temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, etc.

a. Temperature: Temperature depends upon the duration of sunshine. During the summer season, the duration of the sunshine is longer. Due to this, the temperature is high in summer. The day temperature is minimum in the morning and maximum at noon.
b. Humidity: Humidity is the amount of moisture present in the air. It is generally measured in percentage. Humidity is generally at the highest level during the rainy season.
c. Rainfall: Amount of rainfall is measured in terms of mm. For this, an apparatus called rain gauge is used.
d. Wind-speed: Speed of wind also affects the condition of weather.

Question 2.
Explain the adaptations of polar bear to live in polar regions. Also construct a how chart for the same.
The adaptations of polar bear are:

  • It has a thick white fur which is not easily visible in the snowy white background. Hence, its predators and prey are unable to see it.
  • It has two thick layers of fur. These keep it warm in cold weather.
  • It has a layer of fat under the skin. The fat insulates its body from cold and keeps it warm.
  • It has long, curved and sharp claws that help it to walk on ice.
  • It has a very strong sense of smell that helps the bear to locate and catch its prey.
  • It has wide and large paws that helps it in swimming. Polar bears are good swimmers. It helps them in keeping warm.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 7

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 3.
How is a penguin adapted to live in the polar region?
Penguins also live in the polar region. Penguins are of white colour with black back. They have thick layer of fat under their skin. This protects them from extreme cold. They usually remain huddled together. This helps in keeping them warm. They have curved claws which help them to walk in snow. They have streamlined body and webbed feed to help them swim in water. These adaptations help the penguin to survive in the extreme condition of the polar region.
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Question 4.
Write adaptations shown by lion¬tailed Macaque (or bearded ape) of Indian tropical forests.
A lion-tailed macaque has the following adaptations:

  • It lives in the rainforests of Western Ghats.
  • Its most outstanding feature is the silver-white mane, which surrounds the head from the cheeks down to its chin.
  • It is a good climber and spends a major part of its life on the trees.
  • It feeds mainly on fruits. It also eats seeds, young leaves, stems, flowers and buds.
  • This bearded ape also searches for insects under the bark of the trees.
  • Since it is able to get sufficient food on the trees, it rarely comes down on the ground.

Picture-Based Questions

Question 1.
Observe the following picture and answer the following questions:
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 9
a. Identify the animals shown in the picture.
b. What does this picture show?
c. What is the need of condition illustrated?
a. The given picture is of penguins.
b. This picture shows penguins huddling together.
c. Penguins huddle together to keep them warm.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

Question 2.
Observe the following picture and answer the questions that follow:
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate 10
a. Identify the animal in the given picture.
b. Name the habitat of this animal.
c. Write the features of this animal.
a. The given picture is lion-tailed macaque.
b. It lives in tropical rainforests and in western ghats in India.
c. The hand and feet of lion-tailed macaque have very good grip which helps it in leaping between the branches. It feeds mainly on fruits on the trees. It also eats seeds, leaves, stems, flowers and buds.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science

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