NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Role of the Government in Health Class 7 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. You can use them while preparing for board exams and all of them are given by subject experts. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Students are advised to read these solutions on a regular basis to score well.

Role of the Government in Health Class 7 Questions and Answers Civics Chapter 2

Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. Use the Class 7 SST Civics Chapter 2 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved. All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Knowing the NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 Questions and Answers helps students to attempt the exam with confidence.

Role of the Government in Health NCERT Intext Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Would you associate all or some of these pictures with ‘health’? In what ways? Discuss in
groups. (NCERT Book, page no. 9)
Students see the picture given at page number 9 -10 and discuss with the teacher and write the answer.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 2.
Pick two situations from the above collage that are not related to illness and write two sentences on how they are related to health.
In the given collage there are many pictures which are not directly associated with the illness as shown in the pictures:
(i) Picture of Cooking and serving food: The overall situation is not appearing hygienic. The edible things are putting openly as can be seen in the picture. On the open edible articles the flies can spread many diseases.
(ii) Picture of women and children taking water from the supply in slum area: The overall situation is not appearing good. The place where Pales or water buckets have been put is appearing very unhealthy. Apart from this, the slum areas are considered disease prone areas where chances of spreading diseases are always very high.
(iii) Picture of argumentation or quarrel by two men
(iv) Picture of a sad man;
(v) Picture of vegetable shop;
(vi) Picture of hair cutting by a barber etc.

Question 3.
In India, it is often said that we are unable to provide health services for all because the government does not have enough money and facilities. After reading the left hand column (given at page no. 20), do you think this is true? Discuss.
Yes, I think this is true that the government does not have enough money and facilities of health services for all people. In India every year about 15000 doctors are produced, but this number is very little in view of our population. In the year 2000, the total number of hospitals was around 18,218 whereas population of India was around 100 cr. We can estimate that the numbers of hospitals were much low in comparison of population. Similarly, communicable diseases and number of undernourished children in India are shown an unpleasant situation of our country in the area of healthcare.

Question 4.
Read the story given above (at page no. 21). Then imagine that you are a Judge in the court. What would you say to Hakim Sheik?
In the story, Hakim Sheik, fell off a running train and suffered head injuries. He was in a very serious condition and needed immediate treatment. For the various reasons government hospital of Kolkata refused to admit him and this way he spent 14 hours in a critical state and finally he was admitted in a private hospital where he received treatment.

In the above situation, as Judge I give order to:
(i) The government that they ensure all the people who need immediate care, be admitted in the hospitals and for such types of patients, special arrangement be made.
(ii) The government should take immediate administrative action against the hospital personnel and management who refused to admit Mr Hakim Sheik and warm them not to repeat such act in future.
(iii) The government ensures that the private hospital pays all his expenses during his treatment in the hospital alongwith a sufficient amount of penalty.

Question 5.
Why did Ranjan have to spend so much money? Give reasons.
Ranjan had to spend so much money because his father went in a Private Hospital for his treatment. All required tests were undertaken in a day and he had been prescribed good medicines. There was no crowd and overall atmosphere was very neat and clean. It was appearing that he was not in a hospital but in a five star hotel. Thus, he had spent so much money.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 6.
What problems did Aman face in the public hospital? How do you think the hospital can work in a better manner? Discuss.
In the public hospital, Aman faced many problems. The hospital was very crowded. There were queues at the OPD counter, there was another long queue in the blood testing room. He got his test report after three days and went back to the hospital and there was a different doctor that day. Thus he was in waiting for several days for getting his treatment.

Question 7.
Where do you go when you are ill? Are there any problems that you face? Write a paragraph based on your experience.
Students discuss with her/his parents or teacher and can write the answer.

Question 8.
What problems do we face in private hospitals? Discuss.
Almost all the facilities are provided by the private hospitals. A good and hygienic atmosphere, timely treatment, they provide test report at the earliest etc. But, in spite of these, they charge much money in lieu of services provided by them and many people cannot afford such a big amount. Many tests and medicines are prescribed unnecessarily and the patients are forced to avail the facilities within the hospital. Thus, many of us can not avail the services of private hospitals.

Question 9.
In what ways is the public health system meant for everyone?
Public health system is the responsibility of government. Each and every person can avail the public health services. Many types of medicines, tests etc., are provided free of cost while in some cases nominal charges are required to be paid.

Question 10.
List some Primary Health Centres (PHCs) or hospitals near your place. From your experience (or by visiting any one of them), find out the facilities provided and people who run the centre.
Student discus with the teacher and write the answer.

Question 11.
Private health facilities can mean many things. Explain with the help of some examples from your area.
Student discus with the teacher and can write the answer.

Class 7 Civics Chapter 2 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
In this chapter you have read that health is a wider concept than illness, Look at this quote from the Constitution and explain the terms ‘living standard’ and ‘public health’ in your own words.

Living standard: Living standard expresses overall living status which includes way of living and resources used by the people.

Public health: Public health is concerned with the general public. The healthcare services for the public are the responsibility of government. For the public health care government facilitates free or low cost services. Government also takes necessary action to prevent the spread of various diseases.

Question 2.
What are the different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare for all? Discuss.

The different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare for all are:
(i) by increasing number of hospitals in the areas;
(ii) by increasing number of doctors in the hospitals;
(iii) by increasing the health budget;

  • by increasing the equipped laboratories;
  • by providing free of cost medicines and services to the poor as well all the people;
  • by providing latest technology in the field of healthcare;

(vii) by increasing focus on the research work of healthcare;
(viii) by including the healthcare subject at all level of education;
(ix) by encouraging the private sector in the healthcare, by providing concessional land and financial support etc.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 3.
What differences do you find between private and public health services in your area? Use the following table to compare and contrast these.

availability of Doctors; emergency services; Operation facilities Ventilator, oxygen, medicines availability            .

Nursing facilities;


food facilities for patients

Each time availability of Doctors; Immediate emergency services; Operation facilities at a time; Ventilator, oxygen, medicines available at each time;

Good nursing facilities;

Neat and clean hospitals;

Good food facilities for patients etc.

Only at a specific time;

No emergency services;

No Operation facilities at a time;

Ventilator, oxygen, medicines available rarely;

Poor nursing facilities;

Lack of cleanliness;

No food facilities for patients

Cost of servicesHigh, very expensive, non-afford- able.Cheap and affordable.
Availability of serviceEverything is availableService conditions very poor, available after a long time.

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