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MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Grammar Reading Comprehension with Answers
Enhance your subject knowledge through Reading Comprehension MCQ Online Test and lay a stronger foundation of your basics. Verify your answers with MCQ on Reading Comprehension provided and know where you went wrong. Use the Objective Questions of Class 6th Reading Comprehension MCQ with Answers provided below and understand all the concepts easily.
Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the right alternative given at the end of every question:
Androcles was ordered to fight a huge lion, that had been kept hungry for two days. He was sure the Hon would tear him to pieces. So, he was sad to be back. A large crowd of people had come, to see that fight. The lion was let loose, into the arena where Androcles had been made to enter. The beast came roaring aloud, out of its cage, looking fiercely. As the lion neared him, people got excited to see the bloody drama. But, suddenly, the lion stopped roaring and became calm. Instead of attacking Androcles he crouched at his feet arid began to lick his hands. Tears of joy welled up in Androcles’ eyes and he embraced the lion. It was the same lion, with whom Androcles had lived in den, for many days.
Question 1.
With whom was Androcles ordered to fight with?
(a) a huge lion
(b) a lion
(c) a tiger
(d) a slave
Answer: (a) a huge lion
Question 2.
Who had come to see the fight?
(a) the king
(b) the minister
(c) large crowd
(d) the animals
Answer: (c) large crowd
Question 3.
How did the lion came towards Androcles?
(a) limping
(b) roaring
(c) shouting
(d) crying
Answer: (b) roaring
Question 4.
What did the lion do?
(a) fought with Androcles
(b) tore Androcles into pieces
(c) began to lick Androcles’hands
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) began to lick Androcles’hands
Question 5.
Which word in the passage means the same as -‘hold someone closely’,
(a) heard
(b) crouched
(c) calm
(d) embraced
Answer: (d) embraced
It rained heavily last winter and the little stream, near our house, became a big river. It burst its banks and the fields all around were full of water. Luckily, the water did not reach, any of the house in our village. But, the river carried away, our beautiful wooden bridge. The bridge was more than a hundred years old and we were sorry to lose it. We are building a new one now, but it will never be the same
Question 1.
Why were the fields full of water?
(a) There was a flood
(b) A dam broke
(c) It rained heavily
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) It rained heavily
Question 2.
What happened to the wooden bridge?
(а) It was broken
(b) It did not break
(c) It helped the people to reach to a safer place
(d) Nothing happened to it
Answer: (а) It was broken
Question 3
Where did the water not reach?
(a) the shops
(b) the field
(c) the streets
(d) the houses
Answer: (d) the houses
Question 4.
How old was the bridge?
(a) more than ten years
(b) more than a hundred years
(c) more than fifty years
(d) more than two hundred years
Answer: (b) more than a hundred years
Question 5.
Find a phrase from the passage which means ‘washed away’.
(a) burst
(b) around
(c) carried away
(d) lose
Answer: (c) carried away
When you watch the Republic Day Parade, do you wonder who built the Rashtrapati Bhawan, the Rajpath and the India Gate? They were mainly the work of Sir Edwin Lutyen’s. Edwin Lutyen’s father, Charles Lutyens, was in the British army. He was also a good painter.
Question 1.
Who built the Rashtrapati Bhawan?
(a) Charles Lutyens
(b) Edwin Lutyen
(c) Edwin Charles
(d) Charles Edwin
Answer: (b) Edwin Lutyen
Question 2.
Where is India Gate situated?
(a) New Delhi
(b) Calcutta
(c) Bombay
(d) Chennai
Answer: (a) New Delhi
Question 3.
What did Charles Lutyens, Edwin Lutyen’s father, do?
(a) He was in Chinese Army
(b) He was in Russian Army
(c) He was in British Army
(d) He was in Indian Army
Answer: (c) He was in British Army
Question 4.
When is Republic Day Celebrated?
(a) 2nd October
(b) 26th January
(c) 15th August
(d) 29th January
Answer: (b) 26th January
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘good’.
(a) vainly
(b) better
(c) bad
(d) worst
Answer: (c) bad
There is an interesting story, about a rabbit and his grandpa. It happened, on a full- moon night. Our friend, the rabbit, had gone out for a stroll, when he met a cunning Jackal. Luckily for Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Jackal had a very hearty meal that night. So, instead of making Mr. Rabbit his dinner, Mr. Jackal decided to have only some fun at the expense of Mr. Rabbit. He said to Mr. Rabbit, “Look up there. Your grandpa is waiting for you, on the moon. Don’t you want to go up there and see him?” Mr.Rabbit was taken in. He did not understand, that cunning Mr. Jackal was only trying to befool him. He paid no heed, to the advice of his dear mother and went from friend to friend, seeking help in reaching reached the moon.
Question 1.
When did Mr. Rabbit meet Mr. Jackal?
(a) in the evening
(b) in the morning
(c) full moon night
(d) at night
Answer: (c) full moon night
Question 2.
Why did Mr. Jackal not eat up Mr. Rabbit?
(a) he did not like rabbit
(b) he did not want to kill Mr. Rabbit
(c) because his stomach was full
(d) Mr. Rabbit escaped
Answer: (c) because his stomach was full
Question 3.
The Jackal was very …………….
(a) foolish
(b) cunning
(c) coward
(d) helpful
Answer: (b) cunning
Question 4.
What did he say to Mr. Rabbit?
(a) that his grandfather is waiting for him on the moon
(b) that his grandfather is waiting for him at home
(c) that his father is calling him
(d) none of these
Answer: (a) that his grandfather is waiting for him on the moon
Question 5.
Find the word which means the same as given below ‘deceived’.
(a) befool
(b) heed
(c) cunning
(d) taken in
Answer: (d) taken in
Venice is a strange and beautiful city, in the north of Italy. It is not one island but a group of one hundred and seventeen islands. These small islands are, near one another. There are about four hundred old stone bridges, joining the islands of Venice. In this city, there are no motor cars, no horses and no buses. This is because Venice has no streets. Every one must go by boat from one place to another. The boats sail on one hundred and fifty canals or ‘waterways’. The water touches the walls and steps on the buildings. The men of Venice are very good sailors. They have long boats with flat bottoms, called ‘Gondolas’. But, today, we can also see plenty of motor boats in Venice.
Question 1.
Where is Venice located in Italy?
(a) east
(b) north
(c) west
(d) south
Answer: (b) north
Question 2.
Venice is a group of ………………. islands.
(a) one hundred seven
(b) one hundred seventy
(c) one hundred seventeen
(d) one hundred and seventy
Answer: (c) one hundred seventeen
Question 3.
Which is the mode of transport in Venice?
(a) car
(b) motor
(c) bus
(d) boat
Answer: (d) boat
Question 4.
How many ‘waterways’ are there in Venice?
(a) One hundred and fifty
(b) Fifty
(c) One hundred
(d) Two hundred
Answer: (a) One hundred and fifty
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘beautiful’.
(a) handsome
(b) lovely
(c) ugly
(d) scary
Answer: (c) ugly
The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings, in the world. More than three hundred years ago, emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal, as a tomb for his wife. Shah Jahan loved his wife very much. He wanted her tomb, to be perfect. He did not care about time or money. He found the finest workmen in Asia. Altogether, over 20,000 different men worked on the building. It took over seventeen years to finish it. The building rests on a platform of sandstone. Four slender white towers, or minarets, rise from the corners of the terrace. A large dome rises, from the centre of the building. Around this large dome there are smaller domes.
Question 1.
Who built the Taj Mahal and for whom?
(a) Mumtaz, Shahjahan
(b) Workmen, Mumtaz
(c) Shah Jahan, Mumtaz
(d) Mumtaz, tourists
Answer: (c) Shah Jahan, Mumtaz
Question 2.
Taj Mahal was built
(a) one hundred years ago
(b) two hundred years ago
(c) three hundred years ago
(d) four hundred years ago
Answer: (c) three hundred years ago
Question 3.
The workmen came from to build it.
(a) Asia
(b) Europe
(c) India
(d) Iran
Answer: (a) Asia
Question 4.
How many years did it take to finish the work?
(a) Fourteen years
(b) Fifteen years
(c) Sixteen years
(d) Seventeen years
Answer: (d) Seventeen years
Question 5.
What is the main building of the Taj Mahal made of?
(a) sandstone
(b) white stone
(c) redstone
(d) bricks
Answer: (a) sandstone
I went back into the room and sat down on the chair. I opened the box beneath the table and took out the book, ‘The Materia Medica’. I opened it, at the table on which stood the lamp and a large mirror; a small comb beside the mirror’. I looked into the mirror. I was a doctor. I felt I had to make my presence felt. I picked up the comb and ran it through my hair and adjusted the parting, so that it looked straight and neat.
Question 1.
Where did the narrator sit?
(a) chair
(b) diwan
(c) table
(d) sofa
Answer: (a) chair
Question 2.
Where was the box?
(a) beneath the bed
(b) in the store
(c) beneath the chair
(d) beneath the table
Answer: (d) beneath the table
Question 3.
What did the writer take out from the box?
(a) another box
(b) a comb
(c) a book
(d) a shirt
Answer: (c) a book
Question 4.
What did the writer do for his living?
(a) lawyer
(b) doctor
(c) teacher
(d) none of these
Answer: (b) doctor
Question 5.
What did the doctor do with the comb?
(a) placed it on the chair
(b) placed it on the mirror
(c) placed it on the table
(d) set his hair
Answer: (d) set his hair
Pets, especially dogs, are fun to keep. I wanted a dog, for my tenth birthday. And I got a black Spaniel, with a white patch. A pet is not just a toy. It needs constant attention. A dog in the early stages, needs training. It should be taught, to obey its master. Its food has to be cooked, specially. Then its coat has to be checked regularly, for ticks. We have to take it regularly, to a vet. When I come back from school, my furry friend barks at me lovingly. It sometimes runs off with my socks. It is naughty, but not a nuisance.
Question 1.
Which pet is the favourite of the narrator?
(a) cats
(b) dogs
(c) parrots
(d) pigeons
Answer: (b) dogs
Question 2.
What attention does a dog need?
(a) its food should be good
(b) should be taken regularly to a vet
(c) its clothes should be neat
(d) all of these
Answer: (d) all of these
Question 3.
The doctor who treats animals is called ………………….
(a) Psychatrist
(b) Child specialist
(c) vet
(d) surgeon
Answer: (c) vet
Question 4.
How does the dog treat, when the narrator comes back from the school?
(a) barks at him
(b) does not pay attention
(c) welcomes him with barking
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) welcomes him with barking
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘Obey’.
(a) obedient
(b) ignore
(c) not obey
(d) dis obey
Answer: (d) dis obey
Long, long ago there were no schools or colleges in the way, they are now. Every sage, would admit a few students, who stayed with him, for at least 12 years and received instructions from him. Such places were called ashramas. Usually, students used to join the ashramas, at the age of eight and complete their education, by twenty. There were no fees. The ashramas would receive grants and aid from the kings. Infact, the longs were proud of the ashramas, in their kingdom. They often looked to the sages, for advice and guidance. The ashramas were located in places, away from the town.
Question 1.
Where did the students get education long ago?
(a) palaces
(b) ashramas
(c) schools
(d) colleges
Answer: (b) ashramas
Question 2.
Usually the students used to join the ashramas at the age of
(a) five
(b) six
(c) seven
(d) eight
Answer: (d) eight
Question 3.
From where did the ashramas receive grants and aid?
(a) from the kings
(b) from the parents
(c) from the ministers
(d) from the banks
Answer: (a) from the kings
Question 4.
Where were the ashramas located?
(a) away from the city
(b) away from the palaces
(c) away from the town
(d) far away
Answer: (c) away from the town
Question 5.
Give the verb of ‘advice’.
(a) advised Answers
(b) advise
(c) to advice
(d) ignore
Answer: (b) advise
Success in life, depends largely, on good health. Keep your body fit and strong by being clean, breathing in fresh air, following regular habits and having proper entertainment. Avoid anything that will weaken, your body and mind. Smoking harms the body and clouds the brain. Avoid drinking, which is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency. Above all, remember that your character is, your greatest wealth. Be truthful, polite and kind to everybody. Be fair, even to your opponents and helpful to the weak. Have the courage to stand up for, what is good, pure and noble.
Question 1.
How can we ensure success in life?
(a) by being wealthy
(b) by being healthy
(c) by being polite
(d) none of these
Answer: (b) by being healthy
Question 2.
How can we keep good health?
(a) breathing in fresh air
(b) by following regular habits
(c) proper entertainment
(d) all of these
Answer: (d) all of these
Question 3.
What bad habits should we avoid?
(a) smoking
(b) breathing in fresh air
(c) walking
(d) none of these
Answer: (a) smoking
Question 4.
Which is our greatest wealth?
(a) health
(b) friends
(c) wealth
(d) character
Answer: (d) character
Question 5.
Find a word which means amusement or recreation.
(a) entertainment
(b) opponent
(c) success
(d) noble
Answer: (a) entertainment
Laziness means, when a person is not willing to work, even when needed. Laziness is increasing due to T.V. and makes the life meaningless. A lazy person tries, to put off the work, to next day and often lands into failures. A lazy person can not achieve, the desired goals. Laziness creates new diseases. The new technologies are very much responsible for increasing laziness. Mobile phones internet and media have made people more lethargic. So, we should not be lazy, if we want to achieve success in life.
Question 1.
What is laziness?
(a) when a person can not do work.
(b) when a person is not willing to play
(c) when a person is not willing to study
(d) when a person is not willing to work
Answer: (d) when a person is not willing to work
Question 2.
Laziness is increasing due to ……………………
(a) T.V.
(b) diseases
(c) money
(d) none of these
Answer: (a) T.V.
Question 3.
What can a lazy person not achieve in his life?
(a) money
(b) food
(c) success
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) success
Question 4.
Which things are mainly responsible for laziness among people?
(a) mobile phones
(b) internet
(c) media
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) all of them
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘lethargic’.
(a) acting Answers
(b) active
(c) fast
(d) movement
Answer: (b) active
Once there was a farmer. He had four sons. They always quarrelled with one another. So the farmer was very sad.
One day he fell ill. His end was near. He called his sons. He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them to break it. None could do so. He untied the bundle. He gave them one stick each. Each son broke his stick easily. At this the farmer said, “If you live like the bundle, no body will harm you.” And he died. The sons learnt the lesson. They never quarrelled again.
Question 1.
How many sons did the farmer have?
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
Answer: (d) four
Question 2.
Why was the farmer sad?
(a) because he had no money
(b) because he had no sons
(c) because his sons always quarrelled
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) because his sons always quarrelled
Question 3.
What did the farmer do?
(а) asked them not to quarrel
(b) asked them to break the bundle of sticks
(c) decided to call them
(d) none of these
Answer: (b) asked them to break the bundle of sticks
Question 4.
What did he do then?
(a) he untied the bundle
(b) he gave all his money to the poor
(c) he asked them to go from here
(d) none of these
Answer: (a) he untied the bundle
Question 5.
Give the opposite of sad.
(a) feeling good
(b) un sad
(c) not happy
(d) happy
Answer: (d) happy
One winter day, heavy snow was pouring here and there. All the roads and fields were covered with snow as if they were covered with salt. A man, a stranger was on his way. He got lost in a vast field. He wandered here and there in search of the way. But he knew no direction. He walked, and got tired. He was feeling awfully hungry but still kept waiting.On the second day, he saw a ray of light coming from a distance. He headed towards it. There was a small house. He knocked at the door. A lady appeared. She gave him shelter and food. He ate to his appetite and slept. It is properly said that love to mankind is love to God.
Question 1.
What was pouring on a winter day?
(a) snow
(b) rain
(c) hail stones
(d) salt
Answer: (a) snow
Question 2.
Who lost his way?
(a) A man
(b) A king
(c) A Woman
(d) A minister
Answer: (a) A man
Question 3.
What did the lady do?
(a) asked him to go away
(b) became angry
(c) gave him shelter and food
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) gave him shelter and food
Question 4.
Love to mankind is love to ………………
(a) man
(b) God
(c) animals
(d) none of these
Answer: (b) God
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘appeared’
(a) not appeared
(b) unappeared
(c) appearance
(d) disappeared
Answer: (d) disappeared
Shruti was a naughty little girl. Everyone liked her because she was very cheerful and was nice to everybody. She had a lot of friends, with whom she loved to play. One day, her teacher told her to learn a poem to recite during the morning assembly in the school. So the entire afternoon she tried to learn the poem.
Question 1.
What sort of a girl was Shruti?
(a) naughty
(b) obstinate
(c) clever
(d) arrogant
Answer: (a) naughty
Question 2.
Why was she loved by everyone?
(а) because she was naughty
(b) because she was beautiful
(c) because she was very cheerful and nice
(d) because she was haughty
Answer: (c) because she was very cheerful and nice
Question 3.
What did her teacher ask her one day?
to write a paragraph to do the homework
to go out of the class
(b) to write a paragraph
(c) to learn a poem
(d) to do the homework
Answer: (c) to learn a poem
Question 4.
What did she do the entire afternoon?
(a) she played with friends
(b) she played with dolls
(c) she tried to learn the poem
(d) she did her homework
Answer: (c) she tried to learn the poem
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘love’.
(a) loved
(b) hate
(c) like
(d) loving
Answer: (b) hate
It is very important that people should be clean in their habits. If one wants to be healthy and keep free from sickness and disease, great care must be taken of the body. When people become weak and delicate, they feel depressed and dull and sometimes become, a burden to others. They need the doctor, to visit them. Good, well cooked food and fresh air are better than pills and powder. They keep a person robust and healthy.
Question 1.
What should the person do to be healthy?
(a) do walk
(b) take heavy food
(c) take care of his body
(d) go to the doctor
Answer: (c) take care of his body
Question 2.
When do people feel depressed?
(a) when they have no money
(b) when the feel weak
(c) when they become weak and delicate
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) when they become weak and delicate
Question 3.
Whom do the people visit when they feel sick?
(a) a doctor
(b) the temple
(c) the neighbourhood
(d) their friends
Answer: (a) a doctor
Question 4.
What are better than pills?
(a) Good food
(b) Well cooked food
(c) Fresh air
(d) All of them
Answer: (d) All of them
Question 5.
Pick out a word from the passage, which means same as ‘strong’.
(a) clean
(b) depressed
(c) delicate
(d) robust
Answer: (d) robust
Vidyasagar was a very generous and charitable man. From his early years, he helped the poor and the needy. As a boy, at school, he often gave some of the little food he had to another boy who had none. If one of his school fellows fell ill, little Ishwar would go to his house, sit by his bed and nurse him. When he grew rich, hundreds of poor widows and orphans were supported by him. He would never have an attendant at his gate lest some poor man who wished to see him should be turned away. Rich or poor, high or low, all loved him alike.
Question 1.
What sort of a man was Vidyasagar?
(a) generous
(b) charitable
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) both (a) and (b)
Question 2.
Whom did he help from his early years?
(a) the poor
(b) the needy
(c) to his friends in need
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) all of them
Question 3.
Whom did he support, when he grew rich?
(a) widows
(b) orphans
(c) students
(d) widows and orphans
Answer: (d) widows and orphans
Question 4.
Who loved him alike?
(a) rich
(b) poor
(c) high or low
(d) all of them
Answer: (d) all of them
Question 5.
Find the word from the passage which means the same as, child whose
parents are dead.
(a) childless
(b) poor
(c) orphan
(d) weak
Answer: (c) orphan
Once upon a time, there was a man named Tittoo. He lived in a village near a forest. He wanted to go to heaven very much. He wanted to take his family also with him. “But you can not go to’the heaven in this body”, a villager said to him one day. “Oh, no, I shall go to heaven in this body. And I shall take my family too”, replied Tittoo very firmly.
Question 1.
What was the name of the man?
(a) Tittoo
(b) Bitto
(c) Tito
(d) Toto
Answer: (a) Tittoo
Question 2.
Where did he live?
(a) In a city
(b) In a cave
(c) In a forest
(d) In a village
Answer: (d) In a village
Question 3.
Where did he want to go?
(a) to hell
(b) to heaven
(c) to temple
(d) to some place
Answer: (b) to heaven
Question 4.
Who said to Tittoo, “You can’t go to heaven in this body.”
(a) his wife
(b) his friend
(c) a villager
(d) an elephant
Answer: (c) a villager
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘heaven’.
(a) disheaven
(b) hell
(c) heavenly
(d) misheaven
Answer: (b) hell
Once a crow was looking for something to eat. Suddenly, he saw a piece of cheese. Lifting the piece in his beak, he flew to a tree nearby. A fox wandering in search of food, saw the crow and his piece of cheese. His mouth watered. He was very cunning. He said to the crow, “You are a fine bird. Your wings are very pretty. Your voice must be very sweet, would you not sing me a song?” The foolish crow opened his beak to sing. The piece of cheese fell down. The fox ate it up and ran away.
Question 1.
Who was looking for food?
(a) a crow
(b) a pigeon
(c) a fox
(d) a parrot
Answer: (a) a crow
Question 2.
What did he see?
(a) a piece of bread
(b) a piece of chapati
(c) a piece of meat
(d) a piece of cheese
Answer: (d) a piece of cheese
Question 3.
Where did he go?
(a) to his nest
(b) to a tree
(c) to a roof
(d) to a house
Answer: (b) to a tree
Question 4.
Who saw the crow?
(a) a pigeon
(b) A parrot
(c) A vixen
(d) A fox
Answer: (d) A fox
Question 5.
What did he ask the crow?
(a) to give cheese to him
(b) to give his share
(c) to sing a song
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) to sing a song
Question 6.
What happened then?
(a) The piece of cheese fell down
(b) The crow did not sing
(c) The crow flew away
(d) Fox and the crow quarrelled
Answer: (a) The piece of cheese fell down
Once when the world was young and the Carabao and the Egret had a quarrel. They spoke many angry words to each other, but their quarrel was not settled. At last, the Carabao said, “Let us settle our differences through a contest. Let us go down to the river and drink its water, each as much as she/he can. The winner will make the other his/her slave.”
Question 1.
The quarrel was between …………. and …………….
(a) Carabao and Egret
(b) Egret and Camel
(c) Carabao and Camel
(d) Carabao and Eagle
Answer: (a) Carabao and Egret
Question 2.
What did they say to each other?
(a) to go to the jungle
(b) to go to the pond
(c) spoke angry words
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) spoke angry words
Question 3.
How did Carabao decide to settle the dispute?
(a) through a contest
(b) through a friend
(c) through the game
(d) with the help of the king
Answer: (a) through a contest
Question 4.
What will the winner do?
(a) get reward
(b) live in a cave
(c) will make the other his/her slave
(d) will get healthy food.
Answer: (c) will make the other his/her slave
Question 5.
Give the opposite of ‘Winner’.
(a) lose
(b) loser
(c) win
(d) fighter
Answer: (b) loser
The Himalayas are beautiful mountains, to the North of India. They stretch for two thousand miles, from Kashmir to Assam. Some of the world’s highest peaks, are in the Himalayas. The highest peak is Mt. Everest. The tops of the mountains are covered with snow, throughout the year. Therefore, we call these the Himalayas or the abodes of snow. There are many beautiful lakes and forests in the Himalayas. Many passes connect India with Tibet, Turkistan and Afghanistan. The climate and scenery of these mountains are so charming, that people have built many hill stations there. Many visitors go to the hill stations for pleasure and relaxation.
Question 1.
Where are the Himalayas located?
(a) East of India
(b) West of India
(c) North of India
(d) South of India
Answer: (c) North of India
Question 2.
Name the highest peak of the Himalayas?
(a) Mount Everest
(b) Mount Kailash
(c) Mount Kg
(d) Mount Turk.
Answer: (a) Mount Everest
Question 3.
The tops of the Himalayas are covered with ………………….
(a) grass
(b) snow
(c) hailstones
(d) sand
Answer: (b) snow
Question 4.
Why do visitors go to the hill stations?
(a) for pleasure
(b) for relaxation
(c) for pleasure and relaxation
(d) for enjoyment
Answer: (c) for pleasure and relaxation
Question 5.
Which word in the passage means ‘Tiouse’.
(a) passes
(b) abode
(c) scenery
(d) station
Answer: (b) abode
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